Reading is such an escape. I think that's why my sister and I both have turned out to be such voracious readers: reading provided an easy, strict-parent-approved escape from our lot in childhood life. Even though I don't read primarily for the escape anymore, I do still appreciate the transportation to other times, lives, and places. Even if the ones I'm living now aren't so bad.
So here you have it - my summer reading list for 2008. Some surprises, some old friends, and some new delights. Be sure to tell me what you've read and/or suggest, as I may be looking for new titles soon....

A Long Fatal Love Chase - a little known Louisa May Alcott, and likely my favorite book by her. If you've never tracked this one down, do.
The Chronicles of Narnia - (Sara, quit jumping up and down.) I know, a strange pick for me. I was strongly encouraged to read these as a child but rebelled when The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe started featuring fauns that talked. Twenty years later, I've finished the aforementioned title (pictured above) and actually enjoyed it. Surprise, surprise.
Rose Cottage - I've never read Mary Stewart before, but at Alicia's recommendation, I'll try. Besides, it looks like just the sort of thing I always gravitate to. Here's to hoping it's not boring or vulgar. (UPDATE: I like it! Decent, solid writing. Predictable, maybe, and a smidge slow, but good. I'd definitely add it to your summer list...)
The Ivy Tree - "I might have been alone in a painted landscape." That's how this Mary Stewart novel starts. I'm excited about this one.
Half Broken Things - My college pal Lacy, now an English teacher, swears this book is awful, but she's... wrong. (!) This book rules. I'll read it ever summer until I die, unless Morag Joss comes out with a better one. (And I think anyone with a name as intriguing as Morag Joss should be read, at least once.)
40 Days in God's Presence - Because you know how I love devotionals. And you will too with this one. Thus far, it's excellent.
The Shack - My friend Lisa recommended this saying she adored the book even though she found bones to pick with the theology. I'm in. Has everyone read it already?
A wonderful list. I'm envious of your surroundings. Sounds like the perfect haven for a bookworm. Enjoy!
Wonderful! And to fall asleep reading in the sun will Millie. How fun.
I highly recommend "The Secret Life of Bees" by Sue Monk Kidd. Hard to read at first, but SO worth it!
Emily Dickinson said..."There is no frigate like a bool - to take us worlds away..." Have a great journey, Brin!
I enjoyed reading Mary Stewart and think you will enjoy her too. Rose Cottage was a favorite, but also Thornyhold. I don't find her boring and she's not vulgar at all.
Enjoy your peaceful time. xxoo
Well, I will toss out some "light" reading suggestions.
~ The "mitford series" by Jan Karon.
~ The "Cape Light" series by somebody and Thomas Kinkaid (spelling?... and anyone remember the co-author lady name?)
~ "shopaholic" series by Sophie Kinsella. Ridiculous, but I laughed my head off in those books. Made me feel very normal and boring... ha, ha
~ Any books by Bev Lewis....all those books in amish setting. :o)
Enjoy your days of reading by the river. What a lovely setting. I wish I could join you and Millie.
Well, in two more weeks we'll be at our CA ranch, and we have a small creek that meanders thru our acreage. My husband put a little bench out under a giant old cottonwood, on the banks of the creek, and I read my devotional out there every morning, overlooking the lake and the mountains. Oh, I can hardly wait. Until then, I'll live vicariously thru your photos. :o)
Sweet dreams Brin!
Brin, you MUST read The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. It is a fabulous book, and if I can get my hands on a copy in the next few days I will mail it to you! Would love to hear your opinion of it after you are finished. (Thanks for recommending Sacred Ordinary) that is what I am working through now). Candy
I'm so jealous! I used to read for hours and days too, before I had children. I had withdrawls at first, from missing books, but now I'm kinda used to it. I had to realize that season was over for now. I get my fix by reading children's novels to my girls. We are reading "The Penderwicks" right now; it's a fun one. However, this summer, I'm hoping to sneak in a few, just for me, after bedtime or during naptime, maybe. The dishes and laundry won't go anywhere.
Anyway, here are some of my favorites, books that I have read over and over:
"The Blue Castle" by L.M. Montgomery (Anne of Green Gables author)Victorian time period, choosing to break away from dead traditions and really live.
"Homecoming" by Rosamund Pilcher
England, coming-of-age, WWII, I've read this maybe six times!
"The Girl of the Limberlost" by Jean Stratton Porter
Perfect for a cabin in the woods: set in early 1900's, about a girl who lives in the woods, fights to get through high school, beauty and nature, healing...all kinds of good stuff.
I could go on, but you already have a great list. I love The Chronicles of Narnia. I read them when I was a kid, then to my students, now to my children. I love how all the books tie-in together, the symbolism...the great storytelling.
Have fun enjoying your freedom, rest, quiet, and fresh mountain air. Again, I'm so jealous!
I just finished the Narnia series.
Man, I've missed those books.
Books are delicious! I am a reviewer as well as an author and I so love your list. And I too was taken with Half Broken Things...she has written other books but I don't think she's written anything even close to this one.
I love, love,, love "The Secret Life of Bees" and also a new controversial novel "The Shack" is a real page turner. And don't miss Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers.
My favorite devotional is Morning and Evening by C.H. Spurgeon. His language and the way he marry's words is a joy to behold.
"I am never long...without yearning for the company of my lamp and my library." Lord Byron
I'm so glad you're finally reading my favorite books! I really hope you enjoy the rest of them.
Love you!
I just pulled Devotional Classics (edited by Richard Foster) off the shelf. It has been a long time since but it is so good.
Let us know what you think of the books you are now reading.
Ever read Blink by Ted Dekker?
Actually I pretty much loved all his books!
Blessings in your adventures :)
"The Shack" is going down as the best book I've read this year...perhaps any year. Loved it...spoke to me on every page.
I must agree with Vee. "The Shack" is the best book I've read in a while. It is very thought provoking and has helped me look at things in a fresh way. I would highly recommend it. It is definitely a page-turner!
I agree with the others about "The Shack." It's one of the best books I've read in a long time. It really spoke to me, in the deepest places of my heart and revealed the love of God in a fresh way. It has prompted me to delve more deeply into the Word. I loved it and will read it again and again!
I'm reading The Shack now. I agree with your friend--great read, don't agree with some of the theology. I remind myself that it is fiction. There is a great interview with the author on a Steve Brown ETC podcast.
I enjoy Lisa Scottoline and I'm listening to the audio of her latest. Fun mysteries--love her humor. They are best read in order since she uses the same characters for the majority of her books.
Read The Shack...have a box of tissue. "Eat the meat throw out the bones." is what my Pastor suggested. I couldn't agree more. It is a must read book speaking to some serious heart issues in the Kingdom.
Then google "Jake Colsen" and read that book on line...published by the same company. The Shack is about your relationship with God, Jake Colsen's book is about your relationship with the body of Christ. I think they are both vital reads in Christendom right now. Don't let the title discourage you.
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