So I pulled over. I tried to access mapquest on my cell phone. Nope. Network unavailable. So I tried calling 411. "What city and state?" asked the recording. Oh no. "Ummm... somewhere in Kansas." I said quickly. "I need directions."
"Somewhere, Kansas?" the lady operator repeated, matter-of-factly. "Never mind," I mumbled, and hung up.
Shoot. I hate it when I get lost in parts unknown. I was about to head back the way I came (again) when this rumbling old truck pulled up alongside me. The guy in the cab asked if I was looking for someplace."Yes sir, I am," I said. "The highway?"
He laughed. Then he pointed. To this road. "That'll get you there," he said. "But they say all roads lead home, eh?" Sure. Right. Nice man.
I took off down the road, chiding myself for being such an idiot... for just taking off without directions or maps or printed-out mapquests or anything. As I drove, my thoughts suddenly turned to that part in the Bible where Abram takes off. To parts unknown. The Lord said to Abram, Leave your country... and go to the land I will show you. So Abram left. (Genesis 12:1, 4) Talk about parts unknown. Talk about being lost! That road in front of Abram must have looked awfully intimidating. I can't imagine how that day must have played out for him- waking up, packing up, psyching himself up, and then... what? Walking. Just walking. Where to? He didn't know. When would he get there? He didn't know that, either. All he knew was that the Lord said: Leave. So Abram "left".
But he left in faith. Abram walked down the road God placed him on secure in the knowledge that while he may not know where his road was leading, he knew the One who did. He supplied the faith, and God supplied ("... I will show you") the directions. And by the way, if you're wondering - Abram's road did lead home - home to the future nation of Israel.)
I made a mental note (and took a picture) while driving down this road. I vowed to remind myself that while it seems like the roads in our lives sometimes lead to parts unknown - or seem to lead nowhere, even - that if we know Jesus as our Savior that's far from the case. God knows where we're headed. And if we'll supply the faith, our God will supply the directions.
After all, look at Abram. His bewildering road leading to parts unknown made sense in the end. And, as someone once told me when I got lost, "All roads lead home."
Monday Moment is a little devotional to help kick start your week. Hope to see you again next Monday!