Home from the market, so it's time to make a variation of Kevin's
White Bean and Kale Soup with Sausage - I'm using Polish, as it was on sale - and settle in for the evening. I'm caught up in
my new favorite book of all time, and contentedly choose a calm, warm evening at home over a chaotic, hustled evening out. Any day.
And let's not forget Millie. She's looking forward to a rousing game of
fetch, followed by a girl-and-dog roll in the October leaves.
Hmm. Homemade soup, flickering candles, a good book and a sweet puppy. Adds up to contentedness, if you ask me.
Enjoy your weekend, too. -Brin
Millie is getting so big,so good to see a pic of her! Enjoy your perfect fall day and evening, well earned!
Sounds perfect! Enjoy your cozy night in with Millie.
Millie is adorable! Sounds like a perfectly good evening to me. :)
Is this a test to see if we are paying attention? Do you have a Coleman camping stove? Or are you cooking over a campfire?
Sorry, Brin, I couldn't resist. :)
Sounds wonderful ~ enjoy your soup, your book and especially that bundle of fur!
Lynne- your comments never fail to get under my skin. I have a crock pot.
I have that book but haven't read it yet. I'm glad to know it's good. I liked The House at Riverton by her.
Hi Brin...I was wondering. Are you knitting any winter warmth? Hats, scarves, mittens?
I adored this book and plan on reading her first novel, The Shifting Fog very soon. Enjoy your weekend! Meredith
what a lovely evening you had planned! hope you enjoyed it :)
mine was plum crumble and "when harry met sally" while darkness and wind raged outside. perfect! ;) xx
Beautiful Millie looks like she's been nursing ... she didn't have puppies did she ?
Have you had her spayed ? especially with all those pitbulls nearby - who I bet are intact and interested in her.
Off to check out that book from the library.
I LOVED that book! Looking forward to reading it again sometime:)
Wonderful Millie. I have been wondering about her and how she likes her new house. Any trouble with the pit bulls next door? Give her some ear scratches from all of us.
Oh...my, Millie does look like she has been nursing. Did she have puppies after all and you chose not to dedicate at least one post? I would love to see some pic's of her babies ....I bet they are stinkin' cute!
Millie has become a beautiful dog!! Good for you now this day is what living is all about.
Brin, I have been a long time reader and was sad when you quit your blog. I am glad you are writing again, as your writing is so beautiful and moving. I've felt so bad for you lately. I wanted to write to tell you that everything is going to turn out o.k. Better than o.k. Fantastic! How do I know? Because that's how life is and because I've lived it. When I was 16 I began dating an 18 year old young man and we dated for the next 5 years, at which time he died of bone cancer. Those five years were filled with doctor visits and false hopes. At 21, I was lost. I would not have made it without my family. But I did. I thought I would never get married, have kids, laugh again. I did. And I wanted kids like crazy! But I refused to settle for just a father for my kids. I wanted love. I was getting older. 27 was old back then. I was like an old maid. But I found the kindest, gentlest man and we married. I have three of the brightest, kindest adult kids now, something I thought would never happen. The reason I'm telling you this is that I know with young adults everything seems so serious, so impossible. But life teaches you nothing is impossible and, in the end, the world is looking after you. You have so many talents. You have shown you can make, in a good economy, a fantastic living. You have made a fine life frugally. You're amazing. I see you with a great husband and a passel full of kids. Be patient. And know that it will happen. Go out more. That's where you'll meet people. Put more pillows on your bed. Pamper yourself. But mostly, believe. I'm not talking about God here, which you so obviously do, but yourself. It will happen. I am sorry for being so personal, but you remind me of my kids, and that's what I'd tell them. Love, Mona
Sounds like you're loving fall. I've asked before, but will ask again: what color did you paint the Irving Room at Freeman House? I'm ready to paint again here, and loved that color. Would be so kind as to pass it along? Thanks!
Just leaving a comment so that you know I'm still a follower. I still think you need to write a book. Maybe something fictional but based on your life up to now. I see a best seller.
Sounds like the perfect day to me. :) I can't believe how much Millie has grown. Time certainly flies. Cherish every moment!
Millie is all grown up. What a bundle of dark brown fur to hug tightly. The companionship our puppy's give us is priceless. Did you have a good roll in the leaves?
You might consider a coleman camp stove...the asians use them all the time in our neighborhood...they use them in their backyards, on the front porch, even the garage(but thats not safe). I've used ours to fry eggrolls in the backyard because I didn't want the grease splatter in the house.
Thanks, y'all, for all the heartfelt wishes and encouragement. They bolster me up and help carry me.
Susan - Millie hasn't had puppies and isn't/hasn't been pregnant.
J. Fritz - these are the paint colors used at Freeman House, all discontinued Martha Stewart colors from Sherwin Williams (but you may ask as some stores can still mix them):
Irvin Room - Sea Oats
Entry Hall - Dune
Dining - Malted
Bath - Cat's Whiskers
Library - Nile (I think)
Hope that helps! -Brin
And oh... if anyone's wondering about Count It All Joy's comment, Kate Morton's 'The Shifting Fog' was released in the U.S. as 'The House at Riverton'. Same book. I tried like crazy to track down 'The Shifting Fog' before realizing I'd already read it under another title!
Thanks, Count It All Joy, for the comment!
I know you don't know me, but I've been tracking with you for several months now. I can empathize with your struggles as well as your joys, and let me be the one to tell YOU that you WILL get through this. It does happen. And you have many people - known and unknown - praying for you.
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