I'm a bundle of nerves lately and so have turned, with increasing desperation, to my knitting needles. It's therapy. Comforting, happy therapy. The result? Something new for
my Etsy shop: a collection of handknit hats, each embellished with vintage ribbons and buttons. They're
so perfect for upcoming blustery days. I love these. I just love these.
Would talk more, but feel one of those
How in the world is this all going to work out without me dying first? headaches coming on. Better go find those knitting needles again. ...
Your hats are beautiful! Stay strong, girlfriend!! : )
So awesome! Nice work! Hope that headache wasn't too bad!
those hats are gorgeous! Beautiful work. :)
I hope your headache goes away and that you are filled with Jesus' peace as you face a new week.
Blessings to you!
Brin these are absolutely beautiful!! Unfortunately I don't have a hat head :-(
sweet regards from the Netherlands
Such sweet hats! Brin, stay strong!
cuteness! do you sizes for babies too?
hope your head is feeling better:)
Drat! I had my little heart just set on that pink hat and I didn't get to your shop fast enough.....feeling very pouty right now.
Your hats are just beautiful, as is everything in your esty shop. Hope your headache is better.
how beautiful...I so wanted to learn how to knit hats, baby hats especialy..but sadly, dont know if i ever will..
hope you feel better soon, keep knitting those beautiful hats..
Gasp! Love the hats! I missed out on the ones in the shop. Hope you do more, Brin, they're gorgeous.
So beautiful! I find knitting and crocheting very theraputic, too! You do such beautiful work! Kerrie
You stay busy doing what you can do and He will stay busy taking care of all the rest. But, my dear girl, you perfectly described anxiety with "How in the world is all this going to work out without me dying first." There are a lot of us feeling this way these days. A lot. May we remember to grip His hand a bit tighter. It's already been a bumpy ride and it may get bumpier. On that cheery note, I will certainly be praying that things brighten and soon. Those hats are terrific!
Oh so beautiful! Reminds me of the stockings I'm making out of old sweaters---and then adding sweet little embellishments. Love the hats!
Hi Brin! Just wanted to let you know that you (and you househelpers)have inspired me to learn how to knit. I just finished taking a course in knitting (offered by our local community resource center) and had so much fun. Thanks for the inspiration!
Will you have more of your Vintage Collection?! I went to your shop to buy gifts for Christmas and you seem to be sold out! Great for you! But not great for me :( Blessings to you!
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