Mine, a rescue named Maebelline, died September a year ago and I mourned. So my heart ached when I read this notice, posted inside the door of our local phone company:
by Cassidy Watkins
His name is Lucky. I found him at Fran's. [A local diner.] He couldn't move his back legs and he had a burnt nose. One eye was bigger than the other. To tell you the truth, he looked like a total mess but I brought him home with me and nursed him back to health. Now he is My Favorite Cat Ever and I love him to death. He is very affectionate and can do many things with his back legs. He is a small black cat with green eyes. Pretty please, if you find him bring him back...
He came up missing January 14, 2009.
Taped on the posting of Lucky's disappearance is a collection of his favorite toys and a collar he used to wear. You know, in case the vigilant towns-folk should require them for identification or some such.
So. The town's on Lucky alert, carefully keeping an eye out for 11-year old Cassidy's horribly unlucky "Favorite Cat Ever". And no doubt, once he's found, we'll all stop by to pay our best wishes and congratulations.
We love the city, but the country feeds our soul. And helps us search for missing cats....
ooo, so sad....usually these things don't turn out well, I know from lots of experience. The vet tells me I should keep cats inside...but living in the country, i just can't. They just love the outdoors so much.
I hope that kitty is found.
Aside from hoping the cat shows... yes,I also love the city and all it has to offer in terms of visual interest, shopping, activities, etc., but, like you said, 'the country feeds our soul'. I don't think I'd want to live in the city again, it's too hectic, too much traffic, too many people all worked up and stressed out. Go outside the city limits to regain your sanity and enjoy a slower pace--that will feed your soul.
Hope that Lucky is found safe and sound. I remember beautiful Maebelline...
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