Now Autumn's fire burns slowly along the woods
and day by day the dead leaves fall and melt.
-William Allingham

Can there be anything more beautiful than this week in autumn? I know most folks think of Texas as dry and dusty cactus forests, but really parts of the state are quite beautiful. Sure, we have our arid deserts to the west, our flat lands and grain fields to the north, our beaches and sand dunes to the south. But the east! Ah, the east. East Texas has rolling hills and woods that smell of pine and thickly-growing patches of oak, sweet gum, cottonwoods, cedar, pecans, pines and maples. In the fall, their brilliant canopies make for one enchanted forest.
All the leaves I've pressed were gathered within a mile or two of Freeman House. They're radiant this week. They always put on their best show the first of November, and I find myself an enamored and grateful audience. This is the first in three years I've been home to see them.
And I'll be sorry to see them go.

Not Millie. She's generally content as long as she has something to sniff or chew. And there's always something she's sniffing or chewing.
Am baking up a few cookie orders today, and thinking that while I have the oven on I'll go ahead and try this spicy fall cake. It calls for a cake mix as the base, and after a day of baking I always enjoy those shortcuts for myself. (I wonder if I could use two smallish bundt pans to make the "pumpkin" since I don't have a pumpkin pan?)
So glad... so so so so so glad that nasty election is over. Ready to get back to cozy, contented things, how about you?
Wishing you a lovely day. -Brin
Those leaves are beautiful, and look at that cute Millie!
When I see the infinite variety of those leaves (or in my case, the seashells on the beach), I'm amazed all over again at the creative abilities of our Heavenly Father. I guess because I love art, I'm always looking for signs of His paintbrush, and those leaves certainly demonstrate the artist He is.
Thank you for sharing. May the Lord bless and keep you,
Our pastor's wife used two bunt pans to make the pumpkin cake for our homecoming at church. It turned out beautifully... didn't know my pastor's wife was so artistic...
I really like how you start out so many of your posts with a quote and picture. It lays a lovely foundation.
Oh my gosh purple leaves! I love them. Isn't God amazing! Here in Florida it is sunny and all of trees are in bloom:)
It's always a lovely day when I have some Brin to read!lol I love the leaves just as much as you, and I too will be sad to see them go, they are so bright this year! I must come see East Texas someday! I love your new header too, just so perfect, you really should look into photograhpy, your photos are amamzing! Will you ever share your source of quotes with us, they are the best!
I was wondering if you could tell me where I could order some of the baked goods from HenryBella's. I am fairly new to your blog and did not know if you are indeed the "owner/baker of these items.
I would like to order them for Christmas gifts. Also, your blog is awesome. You are an inspiration!
I've made this cake, in just a reg. bundt pan, so it was a half pumpkin haha and the pumpkin and the chocolate are surpringly good! Try a Cup of pureed pumpkin in your next batch of chilli, it's also a pleasant surprise!! Enjoy! Your aprons are darling, I've begun to crochet scarves for holiday gifts, thanks for inspiring me!
I especially love the first picture of the leaves - such a beautiful fall vibe! And the colors!
I love all those leaves..such pretty colors!
I know! We were in the general area of your abode yesterday visiting my family. The trees were wonderful! They were even pretty in south Dallas county.
Do you have a Japanese Maple on your land? I'd love a few photos of the leaves as they start to brown and curl if you have one.
Let us know how the cake turned out...
I can't get over those beautiful colors on the leaves way down there in Texas.
Yes, glad that the election is over. The process goes on tooooooo long.
Brin, I stumbled on your blog... I don't even remember how now... and am captivated by the beauty of your photos, your beautiful "fixer-upper", your surroundings, and your thoughts. What a happy "stumble."
What a beautiful assortment of leaves you have found. Dogs are ALWAYS finding something to sniff and chew aren't they? I just prefer when they don't bring it up to me so that I can share in their bounty. Ick.
I just wanted to say hello since Ive spent the better part of the afternoon reading through much of your blog.
Im not sure how I stumbled here, but I feel as though I stumbled here for a reason. Your blog is inspiring, nourishing, uplifting. I look forward to reading more.
Thank you for writing and sharing.
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