Turns out, I'm much better with fresh eggs and organic flour than I'll ever be with a keyboard and webpage. I'm finished with my modest little introductory website for henrybellas.com. It's the online shopping bit that has me on the roof. Every time I test it and add, say, four different dozen cookies to the "cart", it charges shipping. Separately. For each item. So instead of charging my flat shipping rate, it's quadrupling it. Not cool.
I've lost a lot of hair and sanity over it this weekend. So I'm pulling over to ask for directions. I'm lost here. If any online business designer person would be willing to help me fix this, I foresee lots of payment and holiday baked goods and apron toolbelts and calendars in your future. Please email me at brin{at}freemanhouse{dot}org. I would be eternally grateful.
Thanks. Big fat double chocolate thanks! -Brin
Hi Brin,
I've been a fan and reader of your blog for a very long time but seldom comment. However, when I read this post, I HAD to comment. Immediately.
I have my own website, theoldpaintedcottage.com and have struggled with your exact same predicament for the past 3 years. I have tried several different online store shopping cart providers, and experienced the same issue with the shopping cart and shipping.
Many of my buyers purchase multiple items, and my shopping cart was charging them shipping for every single item. For example: a lady purchased a dozen feathers, and my shopping cart tried to charger her $96.00 for shipping, when it really should have been a flat rate of $8.00! I can't begin to tell you how embarrasing that was for me.
The best solution I've come up with, and what I advise you best do? Charge the shipping seperately. Yes, it's that simple. On your website, you can state the shipping will cost, and also explain to your customers that they will be invoiced for the shipping seperately, to avoid overcharging.
For example, I accept paypal, money orders and credit cards. As soon as an order comes in, I either email or call the customer. I first thank them for their order, then I explain that if they have already paid via paypal, I will send them a second invoice, and that it will be for the shipping cost. If they choose to pay with a credit card or money order it is easier, as I either charge their card for both the items and the shipping, or I tell them how much to make their money order for, including the shipping.
I realize this may seem like a hassle at first, but after running a full time online business for three years, I've learned that going this route is the lesser of two evils and really the best way to go.
Should you have any other concerns, I would be more than happy to be of help: jennifer@theoldpaintedcottage.com
Looking forward to being a customer of Henry Bella's..
I hear Amber does website design. Maybe you should give her a shout! Find her info on her blog here: http://amberalicia.typepad.com/
I was going to get her to do some work for our arena, but funding fell through. If I remember correctly, she works pretty cheap. Check her out!
Hi Bren,
Sorry I can't help you out here. Do you have a community college anywhere near you? Maybe a student at your church could help. Good luck and have a Fun Thanksgiving!
Cori G.
Looks like Jennifer has good advice for both of us. We have an online business, Bath Cocktails, and we have run into the same thing.
Oh Brin, I wish I knew how to help you, but I"m lost in HTML, sorry! You'll figure it out, either on your own after you've taken a break from it or someone here will come to your rescue! Keep us posted!
Are you using paypal? If so I may be able to help.
I use paypal because of those reasons- they do all of that for me. I set up a separate checking account for paypal/business. I didn't want paypal to have access to my home checking-
good luck!
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