My candle burns at both ends;
and oh, my friends - it gives a lovely light!
-Edna St. Vincent Millay

My candle is truly burning at both ends. But wow, is it ever giving a lovely light! Three birthday parties this week. The concert. A Sunday School get-together for my 3-5th grade girls tomorrow. Two classes to teach. Movie and dinner tonight with my high school girls' discipleship team. A food drive wrapping up tomorrow and a Shoes for Orphan Souls campaign starting Sunday. Plus the bakery launch, unpacking the kitchen, Etsy orders, and a dog who is extra-clingy and tried to choke on a piece of stick yesterday.
I came in the door from the concert last night with Chopin still in my head. I dreamily... wearily... slathered peanut butter and honey between two pieces of bread and got in bed with my shoes on. I was going to reply to some text messages but my Blackberry was almost dead and sometime between taking my left boot off and finding my cell phone charger I must have fallen asleep. I awoke around 3 AM with half the sandwich under my face and the other half smeared down my coat (where apparently it was then mauled by the dog). My right shoe was still on, as was my coat, and my Blackberry voice-dialing feature was demanding, "SAY A COMMAND.... SAY A COMMAND.... SAY A COMMAND....".
Shut up, I mumbled, peeling the sandwich off my face. There's your command.
Ah, but it is a beautiful light. [laugh]
Just popping in to say hello and show you my study inspiration room. I just had to. I even have the red couch and everything. Not sure whether that's cool or scary, but there you go.
On to box up food to take to the Food Bank to be distributed for Thanksgiving. Wishing you the best of days today... -Brin
Dear heavens! You know, Edna is from my corner and she burned out way too early. Do take care of yourself please while enjoying your events and parties. Sounds like everything is hopping all right!
That room is delicious. It really does help one grasp the look you are working toward.
Wow you really are burning at both ends! You must have your Super Girl badge back. ;) Good luck with everything and I had to laugh at your falling asleep with the sandwich piece. That is something I would do! :)
busy busy busy...
but its given you life again.
in a way I didn't notice when you worked for the oil company.
seems to be part of the plan.
best of luck.
Totally gorgeous. Isn't it nice to have an actual picture for inspiration?
Peanut butter and honey is so good, but it is usually better inside you than outside, although I am sure your dog was grateful for the snack!
You inspire in so many ways.
Thanks for the chuckle today. You're a gift!
Glad to hear you're perking up again. Also nice to know you have a great social network that you enjoy. I heart that room! It's simple and cozy. Get some rest after tonight, ok? You don't want to have to repeat the command. :) xxoo
I thought that was you in one of the fab rooms in Freeman House and what a fab room it is! I love that desk and those windows, it's totally you Brin! Besure to make the time to take care of yourself, good to see you got your groove back! :)
I love the look of the room!
Isn't it great when we've been blessed with so many lovely things to do?
And my dog Jada would have rolled me over to eat the sandwich stuck to my face should I have done what you did! LOL
That's such a funny story. Sounds kinda like me after I've been in the Christmas Grogg. Hang in there sweetie.
Red couches are great! I have 2. :)
Ooooooooh that's a lovely look. I'd like it for my home too.j
You're really amazing! I love the room featured in the picture. It's unbelievable.
Busy girl! But it sounds like a lovely evening with the Browns. And I love the French study. It looks like its just the right fit for Freeman House. And the red couch, not scary at all, very very cool! Love it!
Cool pic of the room, its great to see a photo of the look you want! I did laugh at the falling asleep eating bit - I hope the coat recovered and you get some decent sleep this week, so glad you shared this story!
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