But it appears to be. Looking up, I see a corner of the castle. And over my left shoulder is a view of the Bosphorus Strait and the bridge connecting Europe and Asia....
... oops, and at the edge of the table the waiter's just arrived. He's dressed fancily and speaks formally, opening our menus and unfolding our napkins with a flourish. I feel underdressed and ridiculous ordering a Cola Light (no "Diet Coke" here). Oh well. On my carefully drafted list of 30 Things To Do Before I'm 30, drinking Diet Coke in 30 cities is goal #18.
Istanbul joins the list. Diet Coke? Check!
Now. What to order for lunch in an ancient palace on the Black Sea? Lamb, of course. (I love lamb and haven't eaten much of it since my 22nd birthday when I spent a week in Boston and ate nothing but lamb and beans.) The menu calls it "Stuffed Lamb" and it's 30 YTL. That's $24.25 US dollars. Gulp

It doesn't look so appealing, maybe, but it was good. Not what I expected, and certainly not a value meal, but good. Of course, I'm sure the surroundings had everything to do with it. I mean, nearly anything would taste Ina Garten-good in a palace by the sea on a beautiful Saturday, right?
It's my latest working theory anyway. Although maybe I should hit one other palace before I head home, just to be double sure. And I am headed home this week. I'll try to slip you some pictures of the actual palace sometime before I do....
Again.. I keep saying this... But, That was so Awe-some. Again. Something I will never do..But now? I have done it. Thanks to you : )
Vacation on girl... And tell us all about now : )
How truly divine! Did you feel like a princess?
An amazing addition to your adventure!
Beautiful surroundings...I'm sure that you're soaking it up. The lamb dish does look good, not sure if it was nearly $25 good, but one has to toss in the cost of atmosphere, too, and that might be priceless.
So pretty! And Diet Coke, what a find!
Love it! That might actually be a value meal price at a palace!
Brin...you're coming home? Just when I'm really enjoying you being over seas, are you sure you're ready to come home...to America? Sigh, it seems so romantic, historical, adventurous there...of course you're coming home! There's no place like home is there? I love to travel, if I had endless supplies of $$$ I would travel but I would still remember, there's no place like home :).
Enjoy the rest of your stay, what a wonderful time you've had! Thank you so much for sharing.
Kathi :)
Have you had diet coke in Minnesota yet? :)
A luncheon in a palace, yes girl you are so lucky. A lot of memories being stored for showing us later I hope?
Yes, what a blessed life you live! Loved catching up on your trip, safe travels home!
Beautiful! My daughter looked on as I read about your lunch. She says she likes your blog.
It's been such fun to get a taste of Istanbul...a perfect little dose of the exotic, romantic, and mysterious during my day of domesticity.
Thanks, Brin!
I'll never forget my first trip to Nicaragua and there it was: Diet Coke (only known as Cola Light)
And then, last year on a trip to Romania and Hungary: Cola Light!
It did make me feel better that almost anywhere in the world I could still get my beloved Diet Coke!
Gorgeous place! I'm so happy I am able to see these beautiful places through your blog. Thanks for sharing this incredible experience with all of us back home in the US. Have a safe trip home!
Thank you for the wonderful experience to share through you. How inspirational!
My 7 year old daughter would love, scratch that, LOVE to see even one palace. (I think she secretly believes she's meant to live in one, lol.)
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