-Marie Beyon Ray
This is my favorite picture. My favorite picture of me ever. I was... what?... eight, maybe? We lived in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, where it actually snowed in the winter and our mothers dressed us like Ralphie in A Christmas Story. I was such a mess... even then. So ready to take on the world. So eager to see what lay just beyond that picket fence. I wanted, at first, to be a librarian. Then a fabric cutter. Then a horse roper. Then a singer. A famous singer. I had every intention of inventing the world's smallest piano... not a keyboard, but a real, live piano... to take with me on the road. You'd hold it like an accordion, only it would sound like a baby grand.
Inevitably, as these stories go, I grew older and my dreams swayed and shifted and switched names. Now I think I want to be a writer. I want to get up, each morning, and play amongst words. I like their rolling rhythm. Their pull. Their power. I like the way they look, all lined up and neat. I like the way they sound, all varied and free. They suit me. I like them.
So we're off. Off on our adventure. Our word adventure. I've said goodbye to those I could and "sorry" to those I couldn't. (Like my childhood friend Amber, who yelled into the phone when I had to cancel our last-minute lunch. Sorry again, Ams. And my partner-in-crime JoAnne, who said she threw down her tea and stomped out in the middle of our blog tea party on Wednesday.) But I did wave a few goodbyes. My friend Shelley gave me a hug and a copy of What Smart Women Know. My favorite person Sondra made me the most amazing lunch ever, and afterward leaned back in her chair and advised me to "put a band-aid on your heart... and GO".
Gosh. We have so few moments... sparkling like stars and melting like snowflakes. Let's do what we want and be who we are... before it's too late. What do you say?Ready? Still don't have many details to share at this point. All I can say for sure is we're bunking down in Colorado. Long haul, huh? Don't worry... I have Tristan Prettyman's The Story in the CD player, and plenty of magazines in the floorboard. Oh... and my lucky pen. It says: Let's go find some boys to beat up.
Okay. I'm ready. I've found that eight-year-old girl again. That arms-thrown-open, laugh-at-the-world, bring-it-on girl. She's ready to go. We're not, after all, living in eternity. Let's go find new words and see new places and sparkle our stars and melt our snowflakes and use our moments. And if we find some boys to beat up, all the better. :)
Can't wait to see what this brings! See you all in Colorado....
Colorado is a magical place, beautiful in so many different ways! Some call it 'GOD's country.' It is a feast for the eyes, and a feast for the soul.
May GOD's beautiful creation fill you up to overflowing, and may lovely feelings and inspiring words be your playmates.
Bon voyage~
I'll be checking in to see what GOD has in store for you in Colorado...
Mmmm. So exciting! I hope you find what your heart is looking for. Best of luck on this new adventure!!
What can I say? I hope your adventure is fantastic, Brin..oh that's right I'm coming too! Lead the way!
God's blessings.. I'll keep you in my prayers.
Hey, I thought we were leaving tomorrow! Guess I'll just have to follow you from home.
Best of luck to you, and drive safely.
I miss you already, but I know your journey will take you to that writer that you must be, it's a given! Drive safe, blog often and rejoice at this chance of a lifetime! Blessings and hugs !!
Looking forward to your adventures!
Are we there yet? how much farther do we have to go? I have to go to the bathroom. I'm hungry. All childhood memories. May God surround you and protect you, give you His love, peace and comfort as you make your journey.
Enjoy your trip your trip you wild spirit you! Sounds absolutely fabulous - just go, and be blessed.
One can't read your writing without knowing that you love words. You string them together so well. Have a blast!
A Little adventure is always good for the soul. Hope to hear of your comings and goings and characters that you encounter along the way of the road. Please stay safe RueLynn
Be safe, even while you are beating boys up. Keep us posted on your adventure, we are all staying tuned into Brin's world.
But kiss a few, too.
I AM SOOOOOOOOOO SAD!!!! i almost cried when ciat said i missed you! i hope you have the best time ever and you are soo safe- call me soon!
You are in my thoughts and prayers Brin. Be safe and I look forward to hearing from you during your journey.
Well, miss Brin, I've just caught up on what is going on with you & it does sound like a great adventure. You were born to be a writer, so I do hope those dreams will come true for you. You definitely have a gift with words. I wish you the best in CO & for whatever else is in store for you.
I read you often. You certainly CAN write, which is the reason I read you. Now whether I believe all that you write or not is another story ...
which I am sure is to be continued ...
Brin, I love reading the words you write, they are like fudge on a silver platter, so rich and irresistable, I keep coming back for more! Can't wait to hear more about your adventures. I am new to the blogworld, so glad I found your blog. Come visit me at mine.
God Bless you!
I love, love, love your blog. Kudos. You are a fantastic writer. Colorado is awesome. Enjoy!
Take care, be safe. Remember to call your mother!! I look forward to hearing where your heart is taking you now. You know it IS now or never. Blessings!!
Enjoy the new journey. Love visiting your blog and thanks for the food pics!
I wish you the best of luck and fun, comforting experiences as well as a little adversity, bad as that sounds, to keep you straight and leaning on God.
Read some Ecclesiastes so you won't forget that serving self's desires will never make you content. Keep God first. . . wisdom, wealth, and work will never = contentment. Especially when it's done "for myself" as King Solomon tells us in that book from the Bible.
Every adventure we have in life is meaningless without Him.
I just want to clarify one thing, I did not yell in the phone. I was trying not to cry. I am going to miss my sister terribly. I will see you when you get home. Keep in touch & don't forget to call and check in!!!
How do you plan to use your newfound tan in the snow! I wish you the best...DO NOT be a stranger...and grab a belly laugh every chance you get!
I see the poem at the top has been pinched from something Francis Bacon said - Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand and melting like a snowflake… Francis Bacon, Sr.
It's a great saying, however, but a pity people feel they can take something without acknowledging the source. This is a nice site.
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