Really, you should have been here.
Maybe I had anticipated the bright, beautiful day, because the night before I baked Nigella Lawson's Chocolate Fudge Cake. When I read that it "serves 10, or 1 with a broken heart", I abandoned my former standby recipe and lunged for the nearest stainless steel mixing bowl.
Although the cake turned out a little dense, it had the most sweetly delicate chocolate crumbs in the world: English or otherwise. (Nigella, this is why I adore you and always will.) The recipe came from my recent Amazon score Nigella Bites, although next time I will decidedly go back to the chocolate cake of my first love, also courtesy of Nigella. For that Old Fashioned Chocolate Cake recipe, click here.

How does Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies and Serendipity's Frozen Hot Chocolate sound? Yummy? Good! Here's how it will work. Comment to this blog post and wish her a happy 100th post... or whatever. Be sure to leave your first name or a link to your blog. Then next Friday, February 1st, I'll randomly draw three comments, and those sweet and lovely people will get a tin (above) of cookies and serving-makings for 2 of the Frozen Hot Chocolate famously served to lucky New Yorkers everyday at Serendipity 3.
Sounds like a win-win, Happy 100th to me! Good luck and love to you all! -B
Hi! My name is Heidi and I am a newcomer to your blog (just found you yesterday)and I find you refreshing and delightful. The cake looks wonderful! Wish I could have had a taste! ENJOY!
Im brand new here. I do wish you CONGRATULATIONS on your 100th entry! But I can't have chocolate. :-(
But my husband can. Will that count? :-) Oh and he's a Nigella Fan toooo!!!!
I think this makes enough info, 'cause I think that when I comment, my clickable link shows too. But if not, here are the url's to my Blogs...
Congratulations!!! I love reading your blog everyday. The only thing that would be better than having a gift sent to me would be to have the treat with you, my dear friend. I miss you. Keep up the great work and keep in touch!
Well for heavens sake count me in! (wink wink) Congrats! Your blog brings so much pleasure to my day. Thanks for it, and for you! connie
Happy 100th!
That's quite an accomplishment! And to celebrate with chocolate, what could be better?
Happy 100th Brin! May there be many more ...
I was tagged by someone for the Six Weird Things too. It was a fun post to write and caused some introspection on my part!
We are all strange, heh?
I don't think my name becomes a link to my blog for some reason, so here it is:
I've enjoyed all 100 -- congrats :-) SALL
Happy 100th!!
Thanks for commenting on my blog! It is nice to "meet" you!
I have been reading your blog for a couple of weeks now- I enjoy your creativity!
I found you via Firefly's 'I Live On A Farm' blog, and I've bookmarked you. You write so beautifully and have such a joie de vivre that reading you is just a joy.
Here's to another 100 articles!
Happy 100, Bri! I am amazed every time I read at the person you have become, and the things you are able to do. Martha who?!?! You've got her totally under the table. Maybe someday you can teach me to grow things and together we can get rid of my "black thumb!" Seriously, Jake has tried MANY times to bring home plants, and no matter what he does, they die. I keep telling him I have plant poison in my breath, but he won't listen...
Oh! I found a secret to fix the density in my cakes. Separate the whites from the yolks, save them for the end, beat them into a frenzy, (stif peaks, you know,) and then fold them in at the very last. Makes a big difference! Let me know if you have a chance to try it!
Happy 100th!
This cake looks out of this world. Can I have a piece, pliiiiiz!
Chocolate cake AND prizes? Now that's the good life!
Oh yum! Your cake AND your blog are wonderful! I'll have to come back when I can read all of it ~ but from the few entries that I have,you are a delight!
Pick me! A :-)
Happy 100th post! I'm fairly new to your blog, but am so glad I stumbled across it. You are an amazing, interesting and insightful person. You and I have so much in common that I feel like we could be friends. Anyway, thanks so much for adding some sunshine to my day! Blessing, Linda
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