A day of rest. I've needed one. After a dreadfully sad dream, I awoke to the decision to stay in my pajamas today, finish my scarflette, and make a big pot of slow soup. So I did. Fresh vegetables, browned-off ground turkey and handfuls of tarragon came together to make a bowl that has me - now more than ever - looking forward to a cozy fall.

Hope your weekend is slow and satisfying, wherever you are. -Brin
Sounds like a true Sabbath. And much needed I'm sure. God bless.
Mmmmm ... that soup looks delicious ! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, and have a wonderful week ahead :)
Lynda, Kilimanjaro, East Africa
looks delicious
Sorry about your dream. :( But that soup is perfect for fall. It looks so delicious!
The bread is what is calling my name. Yum!
That looks delicious! Would you share your recipe?
This would surely do just that:)
Nope....school starts next week for me...lots to do. Not relaxing one bit. (sigh)
mmmm yummy!!!!!!! :)
We are having one of those rainy days that are just so cozy. Had soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch and am sooooo looking forward to Fall!
Perfect fall cozy!
Oh, that soup looks so wonderful! I'd love to know what all is in it! I hope your Sunday is restful...
I am also looking forward to a fabulous fall! Full of yummy soups, crisp cool fall air, gorgeous fall colors and lots of football :)
I have been in my jammies all day too but made spaghetti sauce instead of soup. Your soup looks delish ~ here's to not getting dressed Sundays!
Mmmmm... that soup looks absolutely yummy!
Oh, sweet girl, you make me want to make soup already too. It's just not cool enough here for that yet. Our humidity would turn my little apartment into a steam bath. I also would like to know just what and how much of everything you put in your soup. It looks wonderful! Enjoy your rest. xxoo
That soup looks absolutely delicious! It feels like Fall here already, so soup sounds very appealing!
:) T
yummmm! Looking forward to fall and all the wonderful soups..;p
looks delich..Glad you took time to just relax..
Ah, this looks like a perfect meal.
Hope your put a cookbook together soon with your dishes.
I love soup and would love to have some of your dishes to make for my family.
We need the recipe for this yummy-looking soup :-)
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