Speaking of cozy, I can't wait for fall. Yesterday, in a book store, I caught sight of this book and yearned for autumn. I crave October and November like some people crave chocolate. Or caffeine. Lately I've been set on crackling fires and apple cider and striped socks and simmering soups. And leaves. Always the leaves. I was hoping to have a leaf-strewn cottage yard by late fall, but I'm still several thousand dollars short. I will have my garden, though, and I can't tell you the hope that gives.
That, and this: I'm registering this week to take violin classes at the local community college. I've owned a violin since college but haven't learned to play. It's on my list of 35 things to do before I'm 35. That and speak Hebrew. Understandably, I'm tackling the instrument first.
Oops. Need to go. Apparently a certain adorable pup needs to go outside. Better get the raincoat....
I love the fall because my birthday is in October and we always visited the Brown County Area(Nashville,IN) when I was growing up the weekend of my birthday! That was always my wish. I love the color of the leaves and all. Am praying for you Brin that your cottage will come in time.
Hi Brin,
I have been reading and enjoying your blog for a couple of months and have just gotten around to signing up for a google account. I am not very techno-savvy.
I'll keep checking in. I am excited that I can now leave comments. Thanks so much for enriching my life with your writings!
Even though I voted for Spring, Fall is a VERY close second. And after the hot summer we have had, Fall is quickly becoming my favorite one to look forward to.
I have LOVED this summer but for me it's still all about fall!! Apples, sweaters, hot drinks. Mmmmm!
Even though my birthday is in December and I love the snow and cold, I yearn for the first cool breezes of Autumn. When I can throw open the windows and feel the fresh air just rushing through and ushering Summer out. I don't mind air conditioning, but isn't it so much better to feel God's breath on your face? I think so. xxoo
Since summer has been very late in arriving this year I have been concentrating on enjoying the late season and not feeling depressed that summer might actually run into September and October when I have to go back to work. But your blog has me thinking about fall... fresh apples, the smell of soup in the crockpot when I get home from work, fires in the woodstove, football, sigh... thanks, Brin!
Hi Brin! I too am taking violin lessons. My cat hates it!! :) Sometimes I feel Hebrew just might be easier...but I am an old dog and learning new things is hard. But, I love love love the sound of a violin (even if my cat does not) and I am going to continue on!! Good luck with yours!
Oh, I ADORE autumn. Every single thing about it. Plus it means no bugs or humidity. Bonfires, football, the sound of leaves dancing down the road, the crunch of leaves on the path, the gorgeous color of the trees, especially driving through a canopy, the cool and crisp air, the warm glow from homes as dusk sets in, cornstalks, mums, pumpkins, fires in the woodstove, chili, soups, bread, roasted root vegetables, apple orchards, hayrides, knitting, hiking, harvesting, oh......the list goes on and on. It is the absolute best! I have the Susan Branch book that you once mentioned and can't wait to bust it out when you can smell autumn in the air.
i lovw your blog and you! I admire your courage. May god bless you and bring you joe. you are a beacon of hope. Thank You!
I put that I'm not picky, which is a lie, but I love each season for it's own reasons.
I hate the cold, so winter has a huge strike against it, but it leads to spring, so I'm okay with it :) I live for sunshine and heat, but you have to go through cold to truly appreciate the heat. That's what I tell myself anyway.
I will be praying for you to get what you need for your cottage!
And I'm another one that craves fall. My heart and soul are married to it.
Brin! I enjoyed today's blog post. keep saving those penny's - each and every one and you'll get there eventually. I took violin classes in middle and high school. I loved it. In fact, we just finished watching the movie The Soloist tonight. I recommend it highly. Will probably make you want to do it even more. Not that it centers around violin or anything but it does give a lot of attention to a passion for music. Jamie Fox did an outstanding job. I am always more and more impressed with his acting. Anyway! that was a tangent. It's very cool you're going to take lessons. I would love to get back into it and take some lessons - but I would also like to do vocal lessons. I have so many classes I want to take it is not even funny. I would actually like to pick up the Cello in there somewhere. I didn't pay much attn to that instrument back then but it sounds so beautiful and rich in tone to me now. Well good luck with it! Happy Fall!:)
Hi Brin,
Your posts have a more optimistic tone now (and it's not just the violin :-). I'm glad to see that, and hope it's not just me seeing what I want to see.
Where are you living now? Did you go back to your folks for a while or have you found an apartment? Whatever it is, I'm sure you are exactly like my sister. Wherever she is living, it always looks much more like HOME than my place where I've lived for several years.
We have a thing for "cozy socks", she and I - in Danish they're called HYGGESOKKER and I'll teach you how to pronounce that someday. In about a month, the HYGGESOK-SEASON begins - yay!!
Hope you're adjusting and having a bit of fun along the way. The violin should help, though perhaps not for the first 2 or 3 lessons... :-)
Sorry, forgot to "sign" comment.
//*hug*, Tine from Denmark
:-) my manners....
Here in Africa, Winter is my favourite season - dry, crackly, yellow grass & smokey fires in our old brick fireplace here on the farm. Steaming mugs of locally grown Tanzanian tea, and warm loaves of bread just out of the oven.
It's Winter time here right now, as we are on the opposite side of the world to you .... having said all that, I also love Spring .... which is just around the corner for us :)
Kilimanjaro, East Africa
I'm with you! Fall is just cozy all over!
hi brin ~
hope you survived the storm ok ...
do enjoy your violin lessons ~ it is never too late to learn!
i took up harp lessons 10 years ago at 40 ... did i just give my age away? ... and violin and cello are still in my sights ...
yours ~ an all season girl,
oh autumn i love it! soup and tea and scarves and jackets :)
good luck with the violin! i've been playing for years but still have so much to learn!
I've been counting down to Sept. 22 (first day of Fall) since July. :-) Can't wait for pumpkins, Halloween and changing leaves...
Hi Brin :)
I actually can appreciate all seasons but there is definitely something cozy and warm...and "giving" about Fall and Winter. That and I love my turtleneck sweaters! :)
Fall is my favorite time of year, too. To me, it is a little peek into the glory of Heaven.
I laughed about the dog having to "go out". At least that is one good thing about having a cat. :)
Well said--I agree...Autumn is divine. And good for you for making a dent in your Life To Do list.
Hi, Brin. I've been trying to get in touch with you on Etsy re: the orders I placed on June 30th. I was just wondering when you might be shipping them out to me? Sorry for commenting via your blog, but you don't seem to be getting my Etsy messages.
Thanks so much!
I'm glad to see that, and hope it's not just me seeing what I want to see.
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Yep, I love all things fall!
Oh I agree with all my heart!!! Autumn is the best season... Here in the cold north (read Norway) autumn is on it's way allready... we get it in september/october... November is usually nude, and frosty here... Unfortunatly.. but still has its charms!
Hang on to your cottage dream! Ot is so worth it...
*tip toes back to her white wash paint*
Fall and Early Winter is my FAVORITE time of the year!! Also, a good cozy bed ranks high on my list. I am a new follower to your blog and really enjoying it! :)
It is hard to pick a favorite! I'm a warm weather person, so I love the sun and warmth of summer, but each season has its treasures too. The beautiful colors and crisp mornings of fall with pumpkins and scratch soups, and baking again! Or the flowers popping up in spring. Summer though is still one of the best, fresh berries, tomatoes, and sunshine!
I am surprised how many people are fall-fans too, aren't you? I always thought I was a bit strange at the end of every summer when I start looking longingly at my scarves and dreaming of crunchy leaves. I noticed the first red leaves on the tree opposite our bedroom window this morning. Even more special this year because we have a baby due in fall!
I voted, Not Picky.
I try to enjoy each season as they come.
But I do enjoy Fall the best, I love that warm days give way to cool mornings.
I love fires, Apple Cider, soups, so we would be at home together.
My big words are "It is what it is!
Prays go with You Brin.
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