Someone tried to hack into my blog this evening. I got an email from Blogger warning me about the attempt. Really? Who would hack into my blog? What did they want to say? I laughed out loud. Millie opened her sleepy eyes and blinked at me, then fell back into her snoring dog slumber. To me a hacking attempt is mildly amusing. Who is this hacker? What was he itching to say? I laugh, then wonder. I'll wonder all night, I know I will.
In the meantime, here's something I am itching to say. It's about yesterday's post. No, I don't really believe God forgets us. Not for a second. Not that He isn't capable of anything He desires, but God seemed intent on making sure we knew that He's a conscientious, ever-aware kind of guy. Take Psalm 121 - a chapter I memorized in third grade - for example: it says that God "neither slumbers nor sleeps". As in, He's awake. He's here. He's mindful of that which concerns us. Nothing gets by Him or slips His mind.
Some days, though, I feel as though it has. I feel as though my life and my prayers are on God's back, back, farthest-back burner. That my circumstance(s) have slipped His mind or gotten beyond His control. But they haven't. They won't. Sometimes I just look at the cards on the table and convince myself that the game is over. I think we all have days like that. Days when we wonder exactly what is going on up there. Yesterday was just an expression of one of those times... a day when Faith slips - and laughs, and rallies/ Blushes, if any see...
Slips, laughs, rallies. Sounds like my week to me.
Wishing you all a beautiful fall Friday and weekend. -Brin
God is so good. Maybe if we could have an attitude like Millie's it would help us. You said she just raised her head up and then went back to sleep. She doesn't worry. She knows you love her and will be there for her. It says in Psalms that He never sleeps or slumbers. We need the rest and He keeps us safe.
Trust me... we've all experienced these same feelings. Hang in there. God is working for your good. :)
We all know God is good but sometimes in the moments we lose sight of who He is and who we are...but he is always there and we pick up the ball again and keep on bouncing. Sometimes the attacks come when we have been on a high witnessing as you have on your outreach night.
I admire your honesty warts and all! The only way to be. David was a warts and all kind of guy and God said he was a man after his own heart!! David's story is encouraging for any of us that seem to take two steps forward one step back..
Oh, Brin...
You are so right, we DO all experience those times. Some more than others and some for much too long...I'm ashamed to admit.
Psalm 121 is one of my "favorites". He placed it on my heart to memorize just months before He knew that I would be having surgery (something that I'm very afraid of!) I said it all the way into the operating room....
See if you can dig up (it's out of print) a book by Rick Yohn, by the title of __God's Waiting Room__. It's been many years since I read this, but I think of it often and it sounds as if you might want/need to read it. Hope that I'm not being presumptuous?
Many Blessings,
I appreciated your honesty yesterday. I think most of us know God doesn't ever forget us...but sometimes it feels like he may have more important things to deal with at the moment. I guess that is where my mom and her "all in time" speech would come in. I had an awful day yesterday. In fact, this entire summer has been one big depressing learning curve for me. But, your blog never ceases to comfort me. Yesterday's entry too...we all struggle. And it is nice to know we are not alone. Happy Autumn...and weekend! :)
I ached for you yesterday, but didn't know what to write in response. Now I know...
This is from My Utmost For His Highest (Oct. 17):
"You labour at prayer and results happen all the time from His standpoint."
I think there's a lot of wisdom in this. There ARE things happening. We just don't see them. He IS there. We just don't see Him.
Enjoy Millie this weekend. Our dog never ceases to comfort me, and I think it's no coincidence that God gave us dogs as faithful companions.
I hear all the time that God allows us to have the hard times so that we will be strong and turn to Him. I believe this. I know that we have had many, many hard times and He has always brought us through. Somehow, He always provides for us. We aren't to worry, He knows what is best for us. Take comfort in His words and enjoy the glories of this season.
I wanted to make you a cup of tea and give you a motherly hug yesterday (for you are about my daughter's age). :)
Oh, I have been there when I didn't feel His presence. Mainly because I didn't understand how he could let happen what I was going through.
Thankfully, He was not offended by my feelings for He knew my true heart.
Oh sweet Brin, you are so wise and human! I worried about you yesterday, but I know God has huge plans for you, and your blog has been such a comfort to me and others I know. Your not alone in those feelings, thanks for sharing your deepest thoughts with us, your words are a gift!
Yes, we all have moments of waivering faith, weakness. I know I have. The great thing is that God will work in us though those times and we'll come out the other side with a stronger faith. When I feel my faith waiver, I look back at all God's done and ask myself how could I not believe Him now after all that.
Stay in the race. There's a reward at the finish line.
Brin -
I so appreciate your posts. Very rarely have I read something that is so honest and so absolutely beautifully written.
I can't wait to read your blog each day...thank you for continuing to inspire and encourage me -
You rock!
Ahh yes I slip, laugh and rally too! So thankful that God always pulls me out of the mire, I need only to ask!
Have a wonderful day Brin!
A blog can be hacked? Yes, I suppose it can...how odd! Hope that you don't/didn't stay up all night wondering. That would've been a perfectly good waste of a night.
You are so deliciously human, Brin, and so transparent. What a gift your blog is for so many of us. Who hasn't felt as if s/he has "slipped God's mind"? We know better, but our emotions often don't.
(My word verification today is "gable"...nice when thinking about Freeman House.)
Brin- You couldn't have been more on the same page I am if you tried. Thank you for being so transparent. I too feel like I am on the back burner....
Brin! I thought of you the other day and this post reminded me of why. On Good Morning America they had this "home is where the haunt is" contest. Or, at least I think that is the name. You could win $25k! Wouldn't that be great for your new roof!! Maybe you could enter your haunted house? Good luck!
I understand.
I understood...your post yesterday...no explaination.
I happen to like those kind of posts that you write. It is comfort to read of another, just like me, you know, going through this journey, of delight, sorrow, peace, turmoil, etc, etc...together we are, aren't we?
I do hope you don't get hacked. My dearest friend did, and it was vile...what they did to her blog. She had to shut down. Now she is private, which just isn't the same. Some people out there just have too much time on their hand to do such evil. Sad.
Glad to hear you enjoyed the day wrapped in a scarf...I bet it was anthropologie?!
Hi Brin, I feel like that, too. ALOT of days. For me it is our financial situation that sometimes makes me wonder if I've slipped God's mind. When I try to hold him to his promise to provide for our needs and we are scrapping by just to buy baby formula. When I wasn't able to breastfeed because I didn't make enough - I resided to the fact that God would provide the money for our many needs...and he does...he has...but sometimes it just doesn't seem like he cares. Faith sure is hard sometimes. I guess He wants it that way to keep us 'aware' of Him. thanks for being you.
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