Friday, December 21, 2007

The Pear Tree

Several years ago, my Mom and I went on the holiday Parade of Homes in Jefferson, Texas. One of the historic mansions put on The Twelve Days of Christmas... each room taking on one of the days. As long as I live I'll never forget it: seven perfect little pastry swans a'swimming in pools of chocolate atop gold-rimmed plates. And in the hall, an actual pear tree had bows... and a partridge, of course... and took up the entire width of the hallway. I was spellbound.

Since that year, I've wanted to do the same. Only I don't have the money... or the desire... to go buy a thousand crystal pears. So we'll make do. We'll hoard plastic pears throughout the year, and then make a quick trip to Michael's for glitter and glue from the Martha Stewart Crafts collection. And when the table is cleared after Thanksgiving, everyone will glue and glitter until memories and pears are made and beautiful....

I was giving myself severe arthritis trying to be-ribbon the pears and get them on the tree before Christmas, never mind the partridge. But since I've learned that the Twelve Days of Christmas don't actually begin until Christmas, I'm taking it a bit slower....

Besides, they're so pretty just sitting here. Hmm. Maybe I'll do a partridge on a pear table, instead...


Brambleberry said...

The pears are lovely. What a clever idea!

Anonymous said...

I really like them, so adorable.


a woman who is said...

The pears are so wonderful. Might have to borrow this idea. Come to think of it, I have a bunch of old platic glittered pears that could use a redo. I like them on the table, but do show the tree if you get it done.

Jenny said...

I like the partidge on a pear table idea. It's totally your idea and still makes sense. :) Decorated in bowls scattered among the home would also be beautiful. Whatever you do will be wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Oh Brin, I'm so glad you're home safe and sound! :)

I love the idea of 12 Days of Christmas decor...sounds fun! The first year we were married someone gave us an artificial tree, but I didn't have a big budget for decor. I bought those cheap little red apple ornaments and covered them with clear glitter. Six years later I'm still using them on my tree....good memories of that first Christmas!

Betty said...

Welcome home Brin! I love those pears, they will be so pretty in the glow of candlelight!
So much to need some elves helping you along.
Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

wow your pears are gorgeouse!!