... plus these...
... and this...
... will make one swell batch of my Bumbleberry Jam. The plan is to fill several baskets with jam and biscuits and honey butter and deliver them Christmas Eve morning. Yum. Merry Christmas to us!
Until then, I'm on the road. Long drive home and all. See you at Freeman House! Can't wait to show you what's waiting there.... -Brin
Oh how I would love to be the recipient of those yummies!!
Have a safe trip home Brin, I am praying for you!
Yummocious! Now I'm also craving a cobbler. Wow!
Be safe.
So happy to hear you're on your way back to your Freeman 'Home'
Love your blog...you're writings and pictures are sooo real..from the heart. Thank you.
Elizabeth (Ontario, Canada)
Wishing you safe travels!
Drive carefully!!
I hope this isn't too painful a topic, but as a person that's gone thru what you have, I think it's time for a new kitten, once you get home! There are little ones out there that need someone sweet to take care of them. What do you think??
Hey Brin, I'll be looking for ya Christmas morning when you deliver my basket with homemade biscuits and jam!! Yum, yum!!
Merry "Christ"mas and Blessing in the New Year,
Safe travels Brin, can't wait to see what's at Freeman House and that jam will be yummy!
Travel safe...I'll be watching for whatever it is that you plan to share.
Those berries look so scrumptious! Someone(s) are going to be verrryyyy happy come Christmas Eve Morning!
Becky K.
So glad you're on your way back home! I can't wait to see what you have in store for Christmas!
drive safe, brinn. looking forward to hearing more about freeman house and all it holds to warm your hardt. :o)
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