Entrance was gained to Freeman House by way of the library, home to my many books and the dress form. Just before bed I had clothed her in my new, rough draft, experimental knitted capelet before heading to bed.

(UPDATE: Weird, weird break-in, but all is well. The police poked around all morning, took a few things into evidence, and helped me screw some windows shut. It's creepy to think that someone was inside my house last night as I was asleep - walking around, pushing things around, looking things over. Reaffirmed to me that I am carefully protected and divinely watched! And now we know that happened while Brin was sleeping!)
I'm so sorry to hear the house was broken into, but glad to hear everything's fine! What an awful thing to have to deal with. The capelet is very cute, btw.
Brin, I am sorry this happened to you. Take care.
I am so glad that you are alright! I know that must have been scary. I just wanted to let you know I received your package in the mail and I am very touched by your kindness. I'm starting the book right after dinner! I will be in touch again soon. Until then, please stay safe and take care.
Glad you are okay! Did you realize that the name of the devotional you wrote the same day....was titled "While He Was Sleeping"....!
Sorry about your break in, but so glad that you are ok. God is Good!!
Glad that all is fine Brin but such an invasion of privacy...maybe 'capelet form' should have had a hidden camera on her.
I also was thinking about while He was sleeping' in your devotional on the same day.
Oh Brin, you gave me a scare! So glad your alright, how scary! You might want to think about getting a dog or some motion lights! Did they take anything? Stay safe and be careful too! Hugs!!
That's scary! Maybe you should look into an alarm system... or a dog.
Oh my! I hope Miss Capelet scared him right back out! Praying God will grant you His peace and wisdom to law enforcement.
i know this post is WAY old... but i was browsing through some of your writing... and happened upon this one. my car was broken into last night... someone stole my gas... not quite the spine-chilling kind of thing that happened to you... but it still leaves me a little unsettled. Also doesn't help that i realized this morning that i left my keys in my front door - for anyone to just turn and walk right in!! despite my loss of gasoline... i am thankful that's all it was! and glad to read that everything was ok with your situation!
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