Today I wish I was Italian. Today I wish I could ride my bike down the Italian coast, drinking in the sun and the salty waves and the baked terra cotta.

I wish I could pedal home to a wide-windowed kitchen, pluck herbs from a patio pot, and watch the leafy heap disappear into bubbling pasta sauce. I wish I could open a bottle of wine and call my friends, invite them over, and sit as the ocean breeze tangles our hair and makes the table's candles flicker and smoke.

That's what I wish today. Today I wish I was Italian.
That would be nice, wouldn't it!
Brin - I do so love your writing. It always makes me feel cozy - like I'm at home with a good book and a big cuppa (even when I'm really at work - sneaking some internet time and wishing to be anywhere but here). Thanks for sharing your Italian wish today.
Wow...now you've got me wishing that too! Lovely. ~Lili
You and I share the same wish! I'm way not Italian, but I'd really love to visit Italy for months and months till I get tired and want to come home! You're young yet; I hope you get to go.
hmmm the weather isn't really fab there right now sweetie ;-)
Beautiful word pictures in this post. Must one really be Italian to enjoy all of this? Okay, might have to substitute the California coast for the Italian coast!
sounds so nice, if only..
I think I will try to live this way tomorrow. I have some terra cotta pots waiting for herbs, a pink beach cruiser with a wicker basket...I could ride down to the nursery in the Califoria sunshine, pick out some herbs, plant them in my pots, open a bottle of wine, broil a baguette topped with olive oil, diced tomato, oregeno, and parmesan...put on Under A Tuscan Sun and dream.
me too!
I honestly wish this about five days out of ever seven... it's funny how that ocean smell can stay with you forever...
beautifully written !!!
We can dream, can't we? I'd love to do the same, only I've have my paintbox with me and stop by the wayside and paint some little quick scetches! Sounds wonderful, Brin!
Poof! You're Italian!
Beautifully described. I could picture the whole scene.
That would be fun!
I was transported for an instant. Thanks for that. Like looking at a painting that moves me.
Hi Brin, I am Italian...both of my grandparents are from Italy. I have heard it said that at dusk... just as the sun has slipped into the sea, the air is golden...well, so are your words in discribing a beautiful Italian day. You have such a gift, thank you for sharing your thoughts with us, I love the way you think!
I would like to share with you something I heard on TV this morning just before I left for church. It blessed me and made me stop and ponder. The Pastor from Hillsong was speaking and he said "Speak to your future...speak to it saying these words...'Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life' (from Psalm 23).
(I've decided I'm going to speak this every morning!) He said we need to guard our future by guarding our hearts...the way we think and what we think about.
Anyhoo, I thought I would pass that little bit of goodness onto you. Keep thinking beautiful thoughts. You are a blessing! The best is yet to come.
Sugar Pie Farmhouse
What a beautiful post. I could just feel myself being there, Brin. I want to be Italian today too!
P.S. Love Ruth Ann's reply. Thank you for sharing that quote by the Hillsong pastor. I think I'll hold on to that too!
Love the thought,you brought it to life with written words. From all the comments before me. It seems there are quite a few who would join you in being Italian, myself included. Living simply is what draws us, exactly what you described. Thinking I will start a herb pot today as my first step.
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