January is good for napping. I think we should start referring to these 31 days as the
National Month of Rest.
National Resting Month. I can't speak for you, but a few days of intensive rest would be ... would make... would help...
...Yeah. Sleep would be good.
Something tells me Millie and her loyal sidekick, Quackers, would hardly object.
Great idea....rest is a promise from God.
I was wondering if you've read Dana Candler's books? She has a new one out called "Mourning For The Bridegroom" you can find at ihop.org. I thought since you like Misty Edwards you might like Dana's books. We met Dana and Misty when they were only 20 and 19when we lived in KC and helped serve in ihop. Their love for Jesus is inspirational.
Actually, as I write, Millie just awoke from her nap on Chris' pallet/bed, and Bella has been napping on the sofa pillows. No objections here from the dog section!
It's funny you should say this because I have been taking naps for the best three days! I will get on board with this being the month of rest! Bring on the naps!
I agree. Yawn...
Brin, I have to totally agree with you. The weather is making me not want to do anything else but stay in bed. Not that I can, but it's what I would like.
Brin, I think you're right about January being the month for napping. I've been on holidays over January and with the hot weather we are having, napping seems to be my first choice...oh after knitting! The boys always get me to come swimming with them, and I always love being with them, but after the swim comes the idea of napping. Kind regards, Anita.
What a sweet picture! I second the motion for National Month of Rest! I'd like to stay in my jammies..watching all my black and white old movies...snuggled with the kitties...a little tea maybe? Yes, that would be perfect. Great idea, Brin. :)
yes! i must admit i'm finding myself resting a lot so far this month. can'tbe bad.
p.s. i love that picture! so lovely.
Millie is getting so big! Hope you get some rest Brin, sweet dreams!
A National Month of Rest? It's got my vote.
That's one of my "words to live by" for not just this year, but for my life.
First time commenter, Paula
I am so with you on this one!
Awwwwww, What a sweet face.
Oh Brin... I think that is a wonderful idea!
Oh I just have to tell you this... My neighbors have a new puppy, a chocolate lab and I'm going to be able to remember her name so easily. It's Brinley...Brin for short. Love that pup!
Millie is adorable and I hope that you both find time for some extra rest.
I am SO with you on this!!!LOL With 3 kids(homeschooled), 4 dogs, 6 guinea pigs, and 7 indoor-only cats, my day is pretty full. A day or three of napping would be soooooo nice!
What a grand idea. We all go, go, go all the time and a National Month of Rest is just what this country needs!!!
Miliie is a choc. lab? We have a choc. lab, Zoey. And she LOVES napping, as long as she can be close to, or at least in sight of, me.
hmmm ... and here I pictured you cooking á la crock pot (still), sewing, knitting, writing a column for AOL ... ... ... that sounds busy to me!
Oh I am so with you. And it makes me laugh that the toy is named Quackers :) Sounds like something I would name him!
I would love to take several days off to just nap...
what a lovely picture
Please sign me up!! A whole month . . . wow, I could be a whole new person : )!! BTW, love the little beak of the duck sticking out under Millie's chin. So cute!
Sounds lovely.
I'm in! "National Month of Rest" it is. If anyone needs me I'll be in bed...
I agree...let's all go take a nap! Wake me when it's spring. :o)
I agree. Let's all go take a nap. Wake me in spring!:O)
Looks like Quakers has bigger issues....
National Month of Rest ~ oh, I like that idea!
I'll make a T-shirt. Quackers and Millie can be on it too. Let's spread the word...after this nap.
January should be the month for rest...after all the holiday activity. I may not be able to make it a month of rest but I'll sure make it a weekend of rest...this weekend when the rain sets in. Love the picture of Miller and Quackers.
Hi Brin, Yes, the first week I am zero ! But then I start acting as if spring is here, because I hate winter especially january ( I live in The Netherlands so all is wett, cold and leafless; I hate it. Only when my birthday has come up at the end of march I'm starting to feel human again. So...I visualise spring and go about my home and our life as if .....
Especially for my Labrador-retriever Louis I must make believe we can go out as we like and get healthy again and sportive.
Be well, Brin
Godeliva van Ariadone
I vote for that!
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