I bought this apron last week. It was, I suppose, a sort of congratulations present to myself. Ridiculous, right? I know. Silly.
But I can't begin to tell you... ... ... May I just tell you? As awful as 2009 was, 2010 is, well, it's that much better. Doubly better. Exponentially better. I paused this afternoon and winked at heaven. I actually winked at heaven. You were right, I told Him. Everything You promised. Everything You said. You were right.

Promises kept are beautiful. Lessons learned are precious. Valleys, once forged, are dear. And then there's hope. Hope. Hope.
Hope is pretty thing.
Your sweet happy words are a lovely thing. Makes me happy to read them. hugs!
oh my. *yes.*
Hi Brin, this is my first comment, but I've been following your adventure for some time. Thank you so much for the bible verse today. I needed it. I've had a hard few days (lost my kitty unexpectedly) and dealing with some family issues. But I will remember "God's loyal love couldn't have run out, his merciful love couldn't have dried up. They're created new every morning."
I know I am forgiven and that God is always with me. But I wouldn't have remembered it without your post today. Thank you so much.
Praise God indeed.
I am so very thrilled for you. God as always is never late. Although sometimes I personally wonder and am waiting (at times not so patiently or with faith... more tears it seems than not).
HOPE has a name...JESUS.
Psalm 39:7 And now, Lord, what wait I for? My hope is in thee.
Acts 2:25-26
It is late as I read this. My heart is blessed and happy indeed that you are feeling God's loving kindness and mercy in this new year. HOPE indeed is wrapped up in our clinging to Him.
You have been prayed for many times in the middle of the night and early mornings. I thank the Lord for answered prayers... I know there are more to come.
Stack the stones high dear Brin. A reminder of what God has done and is doing in your life. Do not forget these times for they will give you a new HOPE over and over again to the glory of the LORD. (!)
Psalm 126:3 The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad. :)
Waiting with you,
how wonderful! xx
HOPE is the word of the year and you never lost it! My heart is happy for you, for believing in yourself so wink away! HUGS!!
Just what i needed today-It's a good thing to quietly hope,
quietly hope for help from God.
I just have to say that is a beautiful apron.
Beautiful post and beautiful apron. Enjoy your day!
Wonderful to read your joy...just wonderful. Makes me want to perk up and pay attention myself. Sweet little apron, too.
So glad that things are going better for you.
I am so pleased for you....waiting is so difficult...and then in retrospect, ahhhhhhhhh....
~Mad(elyn) n Alabama
I just can't tell you how happy it makes me to read those beautiful words. Hope. What a fantastic word! It could just become my word of the year. :)
Hope...nothing better! And that apron is the loveliest thing ever:)
I'm loving that apron. And I can't tell you how nice it is to hear that hope in your words. I'm so happy for you.
Totally love the apron! I bet you are so cute in it! I love the note of optimism in your voice!
I am sure it comes as no great surprise to you that without the pain of your last year, the sweetness of today might be lost.
I love your spirit. I love how even in your darkest moments, you kept looking up. I love how your brightness even in your darkest moments brought hope to so many of us walking the same path. I love how you are living a transparent life, sharing both the sadness and the rejoicing, the moments that fall into your lap and the ones that fall away. I love how you "winked" at heaven, such joy...I am sure that Father is smiling back at you!
Hope is with you, because you keep looking for it, and better yet because you recognize it when it shows itself in unexpected ways, in both the small and the large moments!....
So congratulations on your beautiful apron! and keep winking at heaven:)
I sure am glad that your year is looking up!
As beautiful as that apron is, and it is gorgeous, hope is more beautiful...glad you have both<3
I am beyond happy for you...for the hope and for that glorious apron.
its good to see you smile...
have a lovely weekend..Stay warm.
Hi there, glad to read it :-)
What about that column thing you were gonna do, has it happened yet?
From a person that's been following you for quite a while, I'm so glad 2010 is starting out so good. With all your experience behind you, you should write an autobiography...even at your young age there's a lot of material there.
Ever drive by Freeman house???
God is so good. I love the apron. ;-)
I love that apron. I might have to try to recreate it.
I have a little happy award for you on my blog. No big deal if you don't want to play along but wanted you to know I am a faithful reader and your blog makes me happy.
Thank you Brin,
I have been enjoying your site for some time now and I wanted to let you know what a joy it is and whether you meant to or not you have created an encouraging ministry. Thank you.
Gorgeous apron!! Hope is a BEAUTIFUL thing!
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