The Pilgrims made
seven times more graves than houses.
No Americans have been more impoverished
than these who, nevertheless,
set aside a day of thanksgiving.
- H.U. Westermayer

This year's Thanksgiving centerpiece, made from things I had, things I gathered and things I've been given. I wanted to enjoy it all week long, not just the day of.

I found that raw, honest thanks sometimes proves itself in the midst of tears. In the midst of new graves and lost houses.
I found that it's one thing to hope on blessings, but it's an entirely different thing to hope on the Blesser.

If the Pilgrims - who spent days digging graves while their houses lay unbuilt - can be thankful, so will I. So must I. And the thing for which I'm most thankful this year? That while seasons change and blessings and loved ones come and go, I am justified by grace...
...and still I stand.
Hardship, struggle always cause true thanksgiving to rise up within our hearts. Out of the ashes comes the beauty. Beauty of a thankful heart is flowing out of you dear Brin.
Have you seen whats happening at IHOPU Brin? The LORD is awakening and reviving the students there. Visit My College and H.S age children want to make a road trip to be a part of it.
Amen to that! xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...
Beautifully said.
and so will I. Blessings to you, Brin.
So much to be thankful for!
Good reminder for me.
Thank you for that message, Brin. We all need that kind of reminder. Especially me.
Wishing you a very, very blessed Thanksgiving.
I think one of the reasons I enjoy coming here and reading your blog is that no matter what is going on in your life, you still declare the glory of God in all situations. I'm deeply encouraged by that.
We are to be thankful in all things..not always easy but 'joy comes in the morning'. Hang in there Brin!
I think this year will be a mixed blessing for many. I love your arrangement. Simple, earthy, and somehow just right.
So true. I posted something very similar this weekend. It isn't enough to be thankful just for that one day, but when we claim to be His He calls us to a lifestyle of thankfulness.
No matter how hard we think we have it. We simply need to look around or back for that matter. To see a reason to be thankful.
A hearty Amen!
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