After an early trip to the Farmer's Market this morning, it was time for chores. I swept the cabin and put fresh water in the flower vases and wiped the oil lamps clean. Then I did dishes. As my cabin has no running water, it required bringing up a bucket of cool, clean water from the well just a few yards away. Millie helped... hanging her nose over the bucket as it filled. We trotted back down the dirt road, sunshine and cool mountain air and dandelions all blowing and bowing on their way down to the river.

Have you ever done dishes in a bucket on the side of a mountain? I hadn't. At the Farmer's Market I was careful to buy organic, non-toxic, biodegradable soap so that everything that ran back to the river would be safe. It's really made me think - even more than usual - about how closely tied we are to this beautiful place. The deer Millie watches drink out of the same river that we raft in and catch our trout from. We all live here and have such an enormous responsibility caring for this beautiful, old earth. I thought these things as I watched the river and washed dishes.
We're making strawberry shortcake and hazelnut coffee tonight and having new friends over... photographers with National Geographic who are camping nearby. They've promised me camera and photog tips, which we all know I desperately need. The guy, Curt, loves Millie, so I could hardly mind when I saw him on our Wishing Island yesterday. He called Millie over and together they found the butt of a rifle pressed into the cakey mud. Last night I dreamed the authorities excavated our island and found Jimmy Hoffa and National Geographic ran a story titled "Millie Finds Jimmy"....
Did I mention? I slipped on the rocks late Thursday and gashed my head pretty badly. It was late and I wasn't about to try to walk to the lodge, and I was bleeding too much to get in the car, so I wrapped a whiskey-soaked towel around my head and curled up on the floor next to Millie and cried to her. I went to the rural clinic yesterday and they said I did a good job. So no wonder I'm having Jimmy Hoffa dreams. They almost could have dug me up on that island...
Anyhow. Dishes are done and there are books to read out in the sunshine. Hope your weekend is beautiful. -Brin
Enjoy your shortcake and coffee -- I think they will, along with new friends, do wonders for making the head bump feel better.
Doing dishes on a mountainside sounds perfectly lovely.
We lived near where you are..almost 30 years ago.
It is breathtakingly beautiful.
Hope your head heals quickly.
Enjoy the shortcake tonight.
Sounds wonderful! Sounds like a fun dream, but how much whiskey did you drink *before* that dream, lol. So good to hear your noggin is doing better. Did you need stitches. Thank goodness for Millie.
Years ago, we lived in an isolated area and our pipes froze one winter. Luckily there was a little abandoned park nearby with a little creek. Until the plumber came, we kids trekked down to the creek and brought back pails of water to do dishes and to heat for baths.
It was fun!! But I was younger then. It's truly amazing to see how much fun simplfying can be. Your quote is beautiful--we really do complicate our own lives!
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Truly looks like you are camping, Brin!Looks like fun times.
Hope your head is okay..no headaches?
Oooooh, ouch! Hope your head is feeling better, Brin.
Have a wonderful evening with your new friends.... the setting, and the food, and the companionship sound like a delicious evening. :o)
Sorry to hear about the injury. Hope you're doing better. Quick thinking on the "mountain medicine." Hope your evening turns out wonderful with your new friends and hope you get lots of ideas on the picture tips. xxoo
Oh ouchie! So sorry that you nearly did yourself in with a gash to the head. Hope that you'll share some of Kurt's camera tricks, too. Now you're the third person raving about "Simplicity." I'll have to look for some; I'm sure that I need it.
I'm reading "The Shack" and loving it. Crying on nearly every page, but loving it.
You've taken me back to my childhood again Brin :), we did a lot of camping. I've always thought your photography was beautiful but I guess we can always learn something new.
I'm sorry to hear about your fall, especially an injury to your head, I'll keep you close in prayer :).
Have a wonderful day!
MN Kathi :)
You are such an amazing writer - I feel like I'm right there with you. It sounds restful and delightful ... but be careful with those rocks!
Take care of yourself. Hope your head heals just fine. A quote that I read...speaking of materialism that is so rampant in our society today... "Security is not in what we have, but in what we can do without"...much food for thought in those words.
Ruthie from California
Glad you are ok! Wow! That does not sound like fun, the falling part. The strawberry shortcake sounds like fun!
Be Careful !!! Enjoy your new found friends and goodies. Pet Millie for me. hugs, pk
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