I get nervous, usually, when I post my reading lists.
It's silly, but when I stop to consider how diverse the readership of this blog is: young, old... single, married... liberal, conservative... city folk, country folk... believers, doubters... it poses a few issues. I mean, every time I post a list I get a flood of email. Grandmas complain that my list is too "young", while twenty-somethings get freaked out by "heavy" subjects. Liberals object to Mike Huckabee books. Christians protest that I'm advocating the reading of books outside of Bible bookstore-lit, but all the folks who visit here everyday who have little to no interest in God, much less a personal relationship with Him, castigate me for offering titles they deem "preachy" and "indoctrinating".
Truth is, a girl can't win. Even on her own blog.
So here's what I decided this time: I'm going to post my summer reading list. Revolutionary, I know. But here on my personal blog, I'm going to ahead with posting a few of the titles of the books I'm attempting to read and enjoy this summer. Can I guarantee you'll heartily endorse every last one? No. But hopefully we'll both come away with a favorite new title or two. And isn't that the best thing about reading, anyhow? A journey of discovery turn familiarity?
Happy reading and discovering! -Brin
Looks good, Brin :) Thanks for sharing your reading list. I respect you, and feel like you would choose books that I would normally love.. so I do treasure your recommendations...
I've learned through many a trial and error that there is no pleasing everyone. We can only please God and stay true to our own hearts and not worry about the flooding thoughts and opinions that come in as a result of what we do or feel is best. Dr Seuss said it best with "be who you say you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter...and those who matter, don't mind." if anything, you should especially be able to freely do this on your own little plot of blogland. I think about that a lot when I get consumed with worry about what others think. then I toss those worries (with my best abilities and occasionally in an Indian-giver fashion) to the wind and leave them with God and try to focus on the real deal. all else is just distraction impeding my running the race that is life. now that I've said a mouthful...I will be on my little way. :o) Thanks for the reading list and happy reading to you, too!
Don't worry about what others think about what you are reading. One book I might suggest for you is "Always Looking Up" by Michael J. Fox. This might be a good time for you to read it. It is really good.
Do you know that Leigh McLeroy is coming out with another book? I already have it on pre-order with amazon.com. I'm a huge fan now! (because of you)
And the complaining on the blog? seems to be going rampant today - I just read about opinionated complaining on another blog.
Ditto to what the other ladies have already said.
~Mad(elyn) in Alabama
It's your blog, just remember that!
Thank you for the suggestions!
Oh my, I can't imagine too much controversy with this list. Bride Island sounds very good and one I'll try to find at my library. Have you read The Story of Edgar Sawtelle - one of my favourites of this past year and an all time favourite is Rohinton Mistry's A Fine Balance - a fantastic long complex novel.
I don't think I've heard of any of those... I'll have to check them out!
Great list, Brin! Okay, seriously...the Fiction Class sounds like it's about me. Lol! I'm definitely reading that one.
You know, whether you win or lose or neither, it's your blog and you can do whatever you want on it. :)
the more diverse the better! bring it on! (says the librarian...)
also: great timing with this, thankyou brin, i am on the hunt for some new books to read just having finished one.
enjoy your summer resting and regrouping. feed your mind for a bit :) xx
Girl, go and get you a copy of "Handling Sin", if you haven't read it. It's hysterical. Not a religious book, despite the title, but one that will make you laugh, and I think ou could use it right now!
Thanks Brin. Headin to the library tomorrow!
I think some of these sound very interesting! Once again, why would anyone complain about your PERSONAL reading preferences? Leaves me dumbfounded. Everyone likes something different. I still happen to love fairy tales and kids books and I'm 51 years old, so shoot me, they've made me happy since I was a kid and they still do. trying to please everyone is a losing battle. Do what you like and read what you like and ignore the complaints. Hugs, holding you up in prayer:>)
Silly girl! It's your blog and you can post whatever makes you happy, as long as...LOL!!!!
xoxo Cori
Enjoy your books Brin..I agree with the others, it's your blog!
I haven't read as much as I would like this summer..I'll check out some of those books that you are reading.
Thanks for the list. Always on the look out for suggestions! C
Hi Brin! I'm the other stickhorsecowgirl, V. I so appreciate your reading list! Tara said it all so well. I love the Dr. Seuss quote!
I am NOT politically correct, but I do appreciate diversity. I rub elbows with unbelievers and eat with sinners, because I think I am supposed to--and not think I'm better or superior or arrogant, because I know that if God chooses to give an unbeliever the gift of faith, they may well surpass me with their walk.
I watch Oprah occasionally- sometimes I love her and sometimes I cringe at her "out there" beliefs and influence which do not conform to what I believe to be true. I do hope I have the maturity and discernment to remain firm in my beliefs. Sorry for the rambling, but don't apologize for what you choose to read. V.
You're kidding me? You have people dare to criticize what you suggest on your own blog? Incredible. Personally, I have found a number of great books because you recommended them. I'm thinking that Bride Island looks pretty good.
Yes Im headed to the library also!
I wish I had a summer reading list. I began at the end of spring to read 'Nights in Rodanthe' and still haven't finished it. Next in line waiting is 'The Shack'. Thus far all I've read is lots of favorite cottagey magazines. I do thank you for sharing your list because it gives me some choices to consider. Happy reading!!!
I agree with some of the comments.
You read what you want and leave the worry to others who have the time.
There are a few on your list I think I will check out, Thanks.
Your reading lists are always as eclectic as mine are. Please keep them coming. I never know when someone else might steer me to something I don't want to miss. Thanks, Brin!!
If you are open to ideas you never know what you may learn, people you may meet, interesting things you may try. It doesn't mean you have to agree with everyone or everything. You can agree to disagree – in a nice way. A little of this, a little of that – it’s what makes us unique. Thanks for sharing a bit of you!
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