This one is from the page of Lamentations 3. It's where that oft-quoted, "every morning His mercies are new" passage lives. But two verses down from those beautiful thoughts, believed Lamentation's writer Jeremiah declares: 'The Lord is my portion', says my soul, 'therefore I will hope in Him'.
In my margin, this is written:
The Lord is my portion... I'm reminded as I wait on Him - ear to ground, heart in hand - that each day, He is enough.
His love? It's enough.
His grace? Enough.
His cleansing flood? Enough.
His Word-made-flesh shed blood? It was enough to save me, and is enough to keep me.
He is enough. Today. This very day. He is my portion.
So. As I see His portion carry me... sustain me... keep me close to Him... as I live His faithfulness, I can truly say:
Therefore, I will hope in Him.
Sometimes I let the days get ahead of me. I worry about moments that haven't come or anguish over what God will - or might not do - tomorrow. Reading again, this morning, that He is my portion, my right-sized, just-what-I-need-for-today-God, sets comfort in my head and hope in my heart. He is enough, therefore I will hope in Him.
Thanks for sharing this today. It spoke to me as an important reminder for this worrier.
Much needed in my corner today...thank you.
Thanks for sharing your journal. Those words are encouraging.
I worry premature too, but will remember this post, very nice!
Thanks so much for this post. It is just what I needed today as we face some uncertainties in our lives as well. I may quote you...is that okay? Hugs and Blessings!
Thanks for those encouraging words. I am so glad I can wake up each morning to His mercies and that everyday they are new. He is definitely my morning, afternoon, and evening portion.
What a wonderful reminder. Thank you Brin, for sharing from your heart.
Thanks! I really needed that.
~Mad(elyn) in Alabama
Thanks Brin for sharing. Looks like I wasn't the only one who needed to be told or reminded of this today.
Thank you. I love it.
That was a good reminder for me. It's all about HIM. He is enough and all I need.
Such a great devotional from you to start my day; thank you for sharing. Still praying for you that you get a good job. Hang in there.
beautiful :)
That's a great Bible. I got my husband and mom one a few years ago and it's by far been their favorite. The new ESV Study Bible is also excellent. It feels like it has a whole Seminary education within its pages. Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful, simply beautiful!
Such a beautiful thought for today. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for this post! I love my ESV journaling Bible, and this passage from Lamentations is one of my favorites. It was such a blessing to "stumbleupon" your blog and see that it was the blog of a sister in Christ! :)
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