So here it is: if you were to pack up your life and relocate to a remote cabin for six months, what would you take with you? You
must take work things (computer, printer, fax, files, etc.) You must take a dog (her crate, food, etc.) And you must take all the supplies and clothing you will need to set up house and look presentable for business or pleasure. And you must fit it all in a Jeep and get it all done in two days. Ready? Go.
Yeah. I have a list a mile long of things I'm taking today: bedding, towels, toiletries, kitchen items, work supplies, dog needs, etc. I got to thinking late Sunday that, of course, I would need my emergency sewing tackle box (pictured above). And maybe a few minor tools: hammer, screw driver, staple gun, etc. And hey. A book or two and some magazines would be nice. Ooh!
That quilt I'm working on! Can't forget that. And... the little plasma TV and some DVDs and my DVD player....
Oh man. Forgot my iron. ... The paper shredder. ... The camera and camera equipment... and.... ooh!... my new...
I only learned Tuesday that I would have to go. It was a nightmare of a weekend getting ready. I stressed out all week over what to take on my new excursion. Over what I had to do to leave my home and affairs behind. And wow. It takes a lot of planning and preparation to leave one world behind and head off for another.
I suppose that's why I rejoice... and I marvel... at the arrangements already made for my trip from this life to the next. When I draw my last breath - whether it's today or a million days from now - I know: I'm already prepared. Through a saving faith in Jesus Christ, I'm ready. The plan for my next "trip" is already laid. There won't be any last minute scrambling to pack. There won't be any final hour panic attacks over unfinished business here. I won't have to worry about flashlight batteries and tire pressure and my Mr. Rescue contract. In a blink, I'll be there. In a wink, I'll be home.
We spend so much time preparing for trips and vacations. For life and the future. We waste so much time and energy on things that, in the end, we'll leave behind. Throughout this stressful last week, the one thought that keeps rushing in and out of my head was a quote I was taught as a child:
All these things must come to pass. Only what's done for Christ will last.As you're reading this today, I'm on the road somewhere between Freeman House and Albuquerque. I'm also somewhere between making a living and seeing my Savior face to face. And praise God, at least
one of these trips is already taken care of and paid for.
For this is the will of my Father,
that everyone who looks on the Son and believes in Him
should have eternal life,
and I will raise Him up on the last day.
- John 6:40
Monday Moment is a little devotional to help kick start your week. See you again next time!