Nothing but blue skies and me, baby. Blue skies and sewing projects and homemade bread pudding and clean sheets and Chopin on the piano....
...And my clothesline. (Please, someone, help me find one of those addict classes for people who love their clotheslines. Actually, one for people who love clotheslines, coffee, books and Gilmore Girls would be perfect.) Yup, I don't care how much you love your electric dryers -once you stand beneath my clothesline and gaze up at that crystal blue, puffy-dumpling cloud sky, laundry isn't laundry anymore. It's playtime. And the Texas sun, the rustling leaves, the creeping jenny, and the creaky clothespins are your playmates.
Oh yeah. [Laugh] I really need a weekend! Hooray for us... we made it! Hope you enjoy your weekend, too - from these lazy, hazy, crazy days to yours. -Brin
Oh Brin..love you just as you are! Your blog is fun, inspirational and sometimes a little crazy...how wonderful is that??
I love clotheslines too, I do not have one right now and I'm sad:(
You deserve the weekend so relax and do something fun!
Enjoy your weekend, Brin! Sounds like you really need a relaxing one. I have to laugh at the clothesline. I grew up hanging clothes on the line & would never go back to doing that again. But, you sure make it sound so great. I don't like how stiff they feel off the line AND the way the sun bleaches them out. But, that's me!
Oh Brin, I love clotheslines too! My men don't like their towels 'rough' so, I do use my dryer, sadly. :( I have enclosed an area so the neighbors can't see my laundry and one day a door will release my clothing to the fresh air and save on energy at the same time. Seems the $$ would be an equal wash.
Clothesliners unite!
Have a wonderful weekend ((hugs)) Melissa
Enjoy your weekend and your clothesline too!
Nothing beats fresh linen clothes lined dry! Enjoy your weekend, you've earned a good one!
Hi Brin... Kj from California here... I love clotheslines, too. There is something about looking out over a landscape and seeing people's lives fluttering in the breeze. As a city girl, I don't even mind seeing clotheslines in tract housing or old vintage yards. I almost feel refreshed-- as if some of that breeze and sunshine is getting on me!
You mentioned your love for coffee, too. I am celebrating my first whole (woo woo) month of blogging by giving some coffee away! Feel free to check it out!
Oh, I do love clean fresh smelling clothes right off the line! specially the sheets! I too am soo glad it's Friday...Hope your weekend is the best lady!
Had some catching up to do Brin and enjoyed every line on your blog!! (once again) Those peaches look sooooo yummie!!!
Enjoy your weekend girlie, I know I will, at last the summer is here!!! (after weeks and weeks of rain) mind you weatherchanges in The Netherlands are madness, we go from wet and cold (15degrees C) to steeming hot (30degrees C) in just 2 days, not a good thing for people like me who have a heartcondition grrrr, so I'm taking it slow this weekend, finding the shade with a nice book, all that's left is to pick the right one, I have so many lying to be read.
hugs from holland
I love my clothesline too, and I'm still hoping that someday a clothespin bag will appear in your etsy store. :)
Brin, I made your yummy peach cobbler yesterday and it was wonderful!!! Both my husband and I had not one, but two servings. Not one right after the other!!! But before we went to bed. Yummy is right. I hope you'll post your bread pudding recipe. We love bread pudding.
Growing up in England after WWII we had no choice, no electric dryers, only the wringer and then pegging everything out on the line. Mum always made the peg bags out of strong cotton ticking with a drawstring top (I wish so much I had kept the last one when she died a few years back). The clothes and bed linens would freeze on the line in the Winter months, not fun! Sunday afternoon was ironing time - my Mother always worked outside the home so this must have been the only free time she had for that chore. We would shut ourselves in the tiny kitchen, taking turns tackling that huge pile of ironing!
Enjoy line drying Brin - at least on the sunshiney days.
Come visit me - I'm doing a giveaway to celebrate my 100th post.
Federal funding for clothesline art and Gilmore Girls reruns!!!!
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