Come to Me,
all you who labor and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest.
-Jesus, Matthew 11:28

He didn't say:
Come to Me, all you who
Have a meal plan
Got your finances in order
Stay caught up on laundry
Hit your goal weight
He didn't say:
Come to Me, all you who
Are killing it at your job
Have the perfect home life
Keep your house spotless
Are a model spouse/parent/sibling
He didn't say:
Come to Me, all you who
Never lose it
Got the credit cards paid off
Have it all figured out
Are living your best life now
No. He didn't say any of those things.
He DID say:
Come to Me, all you who
Labor (weary)
Are heavy laden (carrying big burdens)
If this Labor Day finds you weary - finds you carrying heavy burdens at home... at work... in your heart - Jesus has a place for you. It's next to Him. The Savior of those who are tired, overworked, weak, and weighed down.
Take heart, fellow laborer. We have a Savior who has a place of rest for us. Go to Him. Carry your weariness and your worries to Him.
He wants them.
He wants you.
He said so.
Monday Moment is a little devotional to help kick start your week. See you again next time!
I just stumbled or should I say restumbled on your blog. I used to read your blog when you were at Freeman house. You have a great writing style. Glad I found this again.
Thank you for this. Between the general difficulties of 2020 and a hurricane that has left my family strewn about like tattered rags on a clothesline, I needed this reminder.
a heartfelt thank you!!
hope you are back soon...
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