Friday, August 21, 2020

True Love and Homegrown Tomatoes

Only two things money can't buy:
That's true love and homegrown tomatoes.
-Guy Clark

It's true love and homegrown tomato season over here, big time.

Agh. God is preposterously wild with both His plans and His goodness. For our good and His glory. I'll spend my life trying to understand it all....

Hey you! Hello again. If you missed it yesterday, I'm back. I'm so glad - truly, glad - you stopped by today. I have so much to tell and show you in these many many days (er... years) since we talked last.

First things first: I hope you'll find some grace in your heart to forgive me for my absence.
Second things second: I hope, in the days to come, we'll find we're like the oldest and best of friends in that we hardly miss a beat and take right back up where we left it.

In truth, though, I know we've been through some things in our gap time. Life. Pandemic. Heart things. Hard things. Hopeful things, too, maybe. And I want to hear about it all. 

Me? I've been working hard building a life and a home I love - utterly, bewilderingly love - about 10 minutes from Freeman House. Much more on that to come. Last May, I married Matthew (who someone in town dubbed #thehunkyfarmer which is now an Instagram thing). Matthew is an identical twin... an insanely gifted musician/actor... a licensed minister/seminary graduate... and a Behavioral Specialist for people with special needs - Autism, especially. And yes, a country boy who helps me farm... thus the overalls and tomatoes above. (And... heavens. Did you catch those eyes and how they're looking at me? Swooooon.) 

Annnyway. We can't wait to share our story with you. It starts way back in 1993 when we were both 14, so we have some ground to cover.

So. Other things coming at you:

-All things gardening
-All things HOME
-Monday Moments 
-Frankie and Charlie
-Farm animals
-Honey bees
-... and just every day life. 

But most of all, just us. You and me. Friends through a LOT, right?

I missed you. Hello, friend. Thanks for being here. Hang on through the weekend and I'll see you Monday.



Kacie said...

♥ So happy for your happiness! ♥

HollyM said...

I'm so very glad to see your back on the blog; while I do follow you on Instagram, this is where I got to know you so long ago. On Instagram, I am @antelopecottage. I look forward to really 'talking' to you again about life. And, btw, Matthew has the most beautiful blue eyes since Paul Newman.

debbie said...

You are perfect for each other,and have come along way to find each other.I can't wait to hear the story from the beginning,and his eyes are swoon from Pennsylvania Debbie

Jeannie S said...

Thrilled you’re back to blogging. I follow on Instagram (I’m @joyfullinhope), but your blog has always been my favorite. Wishing you and Matthew overflowing blessings.

Jeannie S said...

So glad you’re back to blogging. I follow on Instagram (I’m @joyfullinhope), but you’re blog has always been my favorite. 🧡

Melanie said...

Can't wait to hear more. Your blog had always been such a place of comfort.

Pippi said...

....keep pinching is truly ”thrilling”, that you’re back!!!💖

MrsReaux said...

Hooray!!! I so excited and happy for you. And happy for myself that you are back!

MrsReaux said...

Hooray!!! I am so happy and excited.

Terri Steffes said...

So happy. Tomatoes are one of my favorite things about summer. I’ve just about ate my weight in them this summer. I’ve missed your words. Welcome back.