I believe that thrift is essential to well-ordered living.
-John D. Rockefeller

Shortribs: I made those beef shortribs. That $2 package of beef shortribs from Monday. Um, wow. New favorite winter recipe for sure. It was better than a $12 roast. Served over steamed rice, that tender meat and sauce was just as good as anything you'd find in a great restaurant. I followed the recipe exactly until it came to the allspice (couldn't find any around the house) and parsnips (couldn't find any at the store). So I left out the allspice completely and substituted carrots for the parsnips. The whole lot cooked itself in about 3 hours in a (largely unattended) stove. My kind of cooking. Still... wow. I'll be making this anytime I can afford the beef.
Don't you love it when you find a new "keeper" recipe? Especially one that will feed several mouths for, say, five bucks?
Soapbox: Special thanks going out this morning for the overwhelming show of support I received for the little Tuesday Treasure bit. I've had an awfully hard time juggling bills these past few months, and a failure to pay the property taxes on Freeman House soon means I could later lose the place at public auction. I'm not looking for fun money here. It's an awful lot to juggle as a single girl. I'm passed the point of worrying myself sick (with pneumonia) over it... I'm to the point of trusting God to meet my needs while using every available resource at my disposal to generate bits of income. At least until I find a job.
Yesterday some of you called our new Tuesday Treasure venture "tacky" or looked down your noses at my decision to start that feature. I'm aghast. Despite some of that criticism, however, I won't make apologies for my decision. Longtime readers here know we've supported and championed several causes (Shoes for Orphan Souls, Brides Against Breast Cancer, Best Friends Animal Shelter, Compassion International, Friends With Flowers, The North Texas Foodbank, and the ASPCA), to name a few. I also try to mention and support other bloggers, their projects, their books and their shops. And out of appreciation for how wonderful you guys are to me and this old, crooked house project, we've done giveaway after giveaway, etc.
This blog is four years old. That's a lot of material... a lot of time... devoted to sharing things with you all. And over time, this blog and its readers have become a community of compassionate, caring folks who try to give of ourselves, our time and our resources when we can. I'm incredibly blessed by that, and pray we'll continue to come together to help and give when and where our hearts lead us.
And if we add a Tuesday Treasure feature to keep it all going, so be it. I'm excited about the mutual support this opportunity provides. I'm excited to "meet" new people, their work, and learn what drives and motivates them to create or learn.
Guess that's about all I wanted to say. Thanks for hanging in. Off now to make beef stock using those shortrib bones. Think a big pot of that simmering away will be medicine to the lungs... and the soul. Enjoy your Thursday! -Brin
I missed some drama I see, but I'm going back to check on what you're talking about. There will always be those souls who just can't help but spread a little negativity. Don't give them much attention or thought.
Those shortribs look marvelous. I am going to scout about to see what I can find that might work. I just learned at my great age how to cut a pork roast into pork chops...the savings are tremendous, especially when the pork roast is on sale.
You know I support your idea...
I cannot wait to try that rib recipe with Bob this weekend. We love any recipe where we get to use our stock pot!
Atta girl!! I'm looking up that recipe... it sounds good!!
Also, how's your puppy today? I need to know she's doing better!!!
I'm excited about Tuesdays Treasure. I have found several items of Brin's to purchase and have loved all of them.
I think this is an excellent idea to support each other.
Brin-I'm sorry you got some negative responses. Seems some people will shoot down ideas just to creat a "stir".
And I'm always on the lookout for cheap, easy, feed-a-lot-of-mouths meal...because I have lots of mouths and very little income!
A girl has to do what a girl has to do.. keep pressing on despite negative responses. You know in your heart what God would have you to do and to find a way to keep going.. so blessing to you and I too look forward to Treasure Tuesdays.
It is too bad that people cannot grasp the idea that, while these blogs may be open for anyone to visit and share, they really are our own personal creation to do with as we please! Nobody pays subscription fees to look or enjoy what we write about. The best thing I can say to those people is, if you don't like it, move on. Don't be rude and bring people down. This isn't your personal forum, it is the writer of the blogs personal forum! I wish you all the best in this venture Brin. I am praying that you find work soon and that things work out for you. In the meantime, all you can do is ignore those who don't understand how blogs work.
I'm gonna have to try that recipe out; it looks like my kind of thing. And I think your Tuesday Treasure idea is brilliant. Very creative idea, and it will help everyone involved.
Brin, I am all for doing what you have to do and it seems you put everything into your blog for the past 4 years. If friends are truly friends they will support each other through times of trial like this. I have admired you since I first started reading about you back in October (not too long ago). Even though I'm 41 I've always wanted to be strong and single like you. I think I'm sorta there. ;) I hope Tuesday Treasures is a great success. Although I am not selling anything right now please let me know if there is any way at all I can help, spiritually, emotionally or even financially. :)
Oh one more thing, that recipe looks delicious! I love meals you can just let cook on their own. You can bet I will be trying this soon!! I hope Millie is doing fine. :)
Hey, Brin. I stumbled upon your blog yesterday, and I kept reading and reading. You do such a wonderful job and I've already added you to my prayers!
I am a homeschooling mama of 4 who hasn't a crafty bone in her body, nor really the time to craft/sew, etc. I'll LOVE seeing what other people have made out there. I've bought a few things from total strangers etsy shops. I think it's a great idea!
Brin, you are a lovely person who happens to have one of the loveliest blogs that I've ever been blessed to find. You created this blog, you write about YOUR life, and you share fantastic photos of places and things that YOU have seen. Thank you for sharing YOUR life with us on YOUR blog!
That being said, I feel that there is no need to apologize or defend ANYTHING that you do on your own blog! Don't let the negative comments get you down.
I realize that there are varying opinions on this, but that does not give any of us the right to judge you, your motives, or your judgment on buying your home in the first place, or telling you what you should or should not have done. Shame on all who have done so!
And... I must add that I am one who is definitely not annoyed by a minimal display of ads on blogs. If I were you, I would reconsider your stance on that subject and definitely consider signing up for Blogher ads, etc. Google ads can be tasteful as well, as the ads displayed pertain only to the content matter of each particular blog. (Yeah... if you do ads... I'll be clicking on them like crazy.)
But... like I said... YOU do what YOU want to do with YOUR blog! Your faithful followers will always be here to support you... and new readers are going to soon discover the delights that can be found here at "My Messy, Thrilling Life" as well.
Here's to four more years... and many more... of a wonderful blog chronicling the life and times of a wonderful, talented, ambitious, enterprising woman... her wonderful home... and her wonderful, kind, and generous spirit!
I get so. very. tired. of holier-than-thou attitudes. What is it about the web that makes people feel entitled to say cruel things they would never say to someone's face? Anonymity, I guess. It's easy to be cruel and judgmental when you are hiding your face, I guess. To the commenter who *ridiculously* suggested that you should solicit funds for the less fortunate rather than making a business proposition in your blog, I have one comment. Please...use your head. It's not either/or proposition. People can purchase here -- if they want -- AND donate to charity. It's not really that difficult of a concept to grasp. Brin sells the cutest little aprons in her Etsy shop (and I can attest that they are fantastic, as I bought one) -- and she also invites us to donate shoes for orphans. She's managed to do both for quite some time now. So there.
*sticks tongue out*
My dearest Brin...
I have enjoyed reading your blog for about a year and a half. I have always found inspiration and creativity. I have always thought that you should write a book. I thought to myself... she writes this blog for free? No ads? Wow!
I am so sorry about your current economic situation. I will be praying for you. God has blessed you in the past... and He is in the habit of blessing us, isn't He? We somehow find Him even sweeter in our times of need. When we actually realize we truly do need Him. Accepting the good and the ugly.
And finally, here's my mini-soapbox... To those who are offended by Brin's Tuesday Treasure... Just skip her blog on Tuesdays... It is really easy to do. Write yourself a note to NOT read her blog on Tuesday. Go and read someone else's blog on Tuesday. Or better yet... why not write a post on your own blog every Tuesday? Or do some knitting on Tuesday? Or visit a sick friend on Tuesday? Or the grocery shopping can be done on Tuesday?
Brin, see you next Tuesday!
See you Tuesday. . .
I'm very much looking forward to Tuesday Treasures and I think I'll try that recipe with stewing beef & parsnips - very common in our grocery stores and I bet the allspice addition is delicious.
I'm sorry you've had negative feedback ... I love the Tuesday idea. Keep forging ahead ... I'll be praying that God will provide in big ways for you this year!
I think the Tuesday Treasure idea just continues to show how big your heart is and how creative you are at trying to hang on. My husband has been in a job lately that is producing little income. His last week's check was $11. We also have needs to be met and I think that any way that is not illegal or immoral should be applauded. There's no use having pride when you don't have a roof over your head or a meal. We also know where prides leads us. We're all in this together. Congratulations on coming up with something to help yourself and someone else in need. I'm behind this 100% and may try to send something myself later on. We love you and your blog.
You know we love you and will be praying for you. Let us know next time you're in our neck of the woods.
I love your Tuesday Treasures idea! Very clever. I'm really looking forward to it, and I pray that you'll be filled with many more creative ideas and adventures that will provide for you financially.
I have read your blog long enough to know that you have had an extremely rough two years or so. When I read about your Tuesday Treasures I thought, "There goes Brin, thinking of yet another creative way to make ends meet!" And then I thought, "Too bad I don't have something cute to advertise and sell!"
Being a family of four on one income, I probably will only "window shop" on Tuesdays. But, since I have been enjoying your absolutely beautiful photographs (for free) these past several months, and I know how you are hanging by a thread, I have no feelings of ill will towards you for what you are doing. I will still be stopping by daily to visit.
Judging by the comments, Brin, there are many of us who are praying for you. And we far outnumber the ones who are complaining.
Rest, snuggle with your sweet pup, and look to our heavenly Father for your strength and comfort.
I stumbled upon your page several months ago and haven't been able to stop reading. It's clear that you are a lovely person. Your idea is a great one and it keeps with the spirit of your blog. People are idiots and those who preach tacky are usually the tackiest of them all. Also, this recipe looks delish. Can't wait to make an attempt!
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