Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day

"In times like these, we realize how weak and inadequate we are, and our greatest need is to turn in repentance and faith to the God of all mercy and the Father of all comfort. If ever there was a time for us to turn to God and to pray as a nation, it is now."
-Billy Graham

Both my grandfathers served in the United States Army. They were brave, handsome, selfless men who dedicated their lives to their families and their country. Death claimed one of them. Parkinson's possesses the other.

I miss those men every day- especially days like this one.

The battles and the wars that distinguished us as Americans - that birthed our anthems, our flag, our heroes - seem long forgotten. The reverent faith in a sovereign God - the God in whom our forefathers pledged their allegiance - seems to have been discounted in our fight for equality and political correctness.

I miss that faith every day- especially days like this one.

The devotion of ordinary citizens to defend and display our Stars and Stripes, to freely and heartily mouth the Pledge of Allegiance, to participate in our political process - seems to have been slighted by an all-consuming pursuit of happiness.

I miss that devotion every day- especially days like this one.

The sacrifice of everyday Americans to serve, to support, to do the right thing - instead of the easy one - seems to have been neglected in favor of comfort and convenience.

I miss that sacrifice every day- especially days like this one.

The privleges that distinguished America from her forgotten foes ... the freedom of speech, the freedom to keep and bear arms, the expectation of privacy... seem increasingly disregarded in favor of special interests and sensitive toes.

We'll miss those privleges one day- especially days like this one.

Happy Memorial Day. -Brin

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know this is years late, but I want you to know that I am right there with you on these sentiments, and your words encouraged me today. Much love, Alena :)