Thursday, April 21, 2016

Hurts and Verses and Candles

Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, 
yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken 
nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the LORD, 
who has compassion on you.
-Isaiah 54:10

My heart has been so crammed full lately, and anxious and troubled and hurting. Daily- sometimes more than once or twice- I've hit my knees and just cried and cried out to God. Anyone else experiencing the same sort of days? I was talking to someone yesterday and we were discussing the hope we have as followers of Jesus, and the importance of living by faith in these dark days. I know we can have hope in the midst of trouble, and heart-settling peace in the midst of chaos. I know this because my anxiousness and trouble and hurt always feel temporary in the light of God's promises, and underneath my feelings I sense the presence of a sure and firm foundation that's solid and unshakeable.

I memorized the above verse recently and feel as though it will be important in the days and weeks to come. Psalms 121 and 91 are now on my refresher and memorize list. Fellow believer, if you haven't heard of or read The Heavenly Man* yet, oh, I so recommend it. It will inspire you- especially to continue or start memorizing verses in earnest. After reading that book, you will WANT to. Or want to even more than you currently do.

While making my first ever hand-dipped beeswax candles last week, I got in a memorizing rhythm. Ha. Whatever works, right? I finished my first round of candles and lit one and sat at the table. And wow. As wonky as it is to say, that little beeswax candle was such a beautiful touch of solace in that moment. Isn't it strange how people, for centuries, have been lighting candles and saying prayers... or gathering or worshiping in the flickering glow of candles? I'm making them more for preparedness... and beauty, but I see why people enjoy lighting them at home as they eat or pray. I hope to have bundles of these 100% pure, chemical-free beeswax candles in my soon-to-be relaunched shop, and I hope you experience the same bit of peace and solace as I am with them!

If you have hurts, or if you can offer encouragement for those who do, I welcome you to comment, friends. Regardless, I pray peace over your heart and mind today. -Brin

*This affiliate link is provided to give you quick access to information about the books or music or things I'm currently enjoying or using. Amazon pays a small pittance if someone orders through links on this blog, and that money helps keep the blog online. You know the drill, right? Thanks!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Birthday Week

The great thing about getting older
Is that you don't lose all the other ages you've been.
-Madeleine L'Engle

I had a birthday during my blog break. 37. Where has time gone? I was 25 when I started this blog and... wow. I've lived a LOT of life in the 12 years since. But I suppose a blessing of getting older is that we get to keep all those ages and all those places and all those people we once were....

My birthday was wonderful. The day began with heading downtown to visit some homeless friends who've started a bakery out of our local homeless shelter. Oh wow. Their signature cupcake was a Vanilla Honey with local honey drizzle. We supplied the honey, and upon one taste of this mythical, magical cupcake, I began stuttering and promising them all the honey they needed. I think they said okay. My world was kind of fading in and out between bites of that amazing cupcake. Oh my, y'all. These men (and their genius leader, a local baker named Cathy) can BAKE....

In addition to homeless people and their gourmet cupcakes, the birthday celebration also included balloon sculptures, Indian food, antique shopping, plant buying, lunch with a friend who's more like my BFF/older sister, kissing on the nephew, lots of faces I love, strawberry drinks, and a party. With my Mom's from scratch chocolate pie. It was a weekend to remember. (And I think I'm just now coming down off all that sugar. Heh.)

So back to a "normal" routine this week. A new normal. While I was away, I began teaching piano lessons out of the big Front Room of Hedge House. So much fun. My first student, Emma, a super smart 9 year old with endless energy, thinks this house is "PERFECT for Hide and Seek" and has asked to play more than once. It's made me think back to my piano teacher, a firm (and somewhat terrifying to my 10 year old self) woman who expected perfection, no nonsense, and painfully short fingernails. I try to be stern piano teacher Brin, but so far it's not happening. Maybe I just have to hit my stride, though. We'll see.

Enough about me. How are YOU? I hope your April is off to a wonderful start. Anyone planting anything yet? Celebrating anything? Do keep talking back. One of my favorite parts of the day is hearing from you....

Here's to a good week! -Brin