They were squirmy. Never stopped moving. And loud. Gosh, were they loud! Never stopped talking. I quickly realized that - since college - I've wrapped myself in a world completely insulated from children. I'd have to get used to the squirmy. And the talking. At least for the week.
Of course, VBS led to an invitation to teach third and fourth grade girls' Sunday School. "Um... really, I prefer the kids you have to get to talk... not the ones you have to get to shut up," I said. Something like that. It didn't work. "I'll do it, Lord," I said, "but don't expect me to like it."
I wonder if God ever rolls His eyes? Or if He ever thinks, Man, the talking. They never stop talking...?
So I dove in. Started the first week with seven girls. The next week, we had eight. We're having a Pool and Pajama Party, I told the girls last week, come Friday in your swimsuits. Fifteen girls came. They swam and splashed and smiled. After swimming and making our own pizzas and playing Sondra's Bible Bingo, we headed upstairs for midnight makeovers, complete with new hair styles and glitter fingernail polish. Egad, the glitter. I looked like one wild-haired sparkle by the time they finished with me.
We were getting ready for bed when the secrets started pouring out. These angels were happy and bubbly one minute and despondent or morose the next. One told me she hadn't seen her Mom in two weeks. She's busy working, the sweet girl stated, flatly. Another told me her parents might be getting divorced. Her chin quivered. I hugged them tightly and stayed close. "This is not my thing, Lord," I prayed, "but please use me to show these girls how much they're loved."
And these children - the children near you... the children near me - how desperately they need our love. Our time. Our attention. And how - even more urgently - they need to be told of the love only a Heavenly Father gives.
Let the little children come unto Me, Jesus said. And no wonder. They are, after all, going to go somewhere. Someone's going to reach them. Someone or something will try to make them feel special. I pray it's the Gospel. I pray it's the message that a holy and loving God knitted us together in our mother's womb. That He breathed us to life - all fearfully and wonderfully made. That He first loved us.
Lord, please use us - no matter how unwilling we think we are - to tell another generation of Your love.
Monday Moment is a little devotional to help kick-start your week. See you again next Monday!
There is a reason that God put you with these girls. Just have faith and He will lead you to where you are supposed to be. Just remember our Sunday School sleepovers when we were growing up.
Love ya Sis,
I bet those girls had a blast with you! You can reach people by hardly trying, that is a gift and I know each of those girls were touched by you, and it will last! Good job Brin!
Aw. I feel so akin. Yes, they do need us to tell them. They really, really do. I'm with them all day, everyday, and boys, too! And I still love them. You are making a dif. Just know that. And, that was a lucky group of girls!
Auntie M
Some of my fondest moments growing up involve my buddies and our youth minister. I agree that God put you there for a reason, and you will wake up one morning and wonder what you ever did before you took on this class. They will open your eyes and change your life in everyway imaginable. The time I spent working with mentally and physically handicapped children was amazing. I know you will look back on this one of the best experiences of you life. I'm pround of you!!!!
Lots of love,
Great post. It is amazing how God sees us where we can't. I am happy you are hearing His voice, though!
Oh, thank you Brin! thank you for stepping up and reaching out to the children!! God bless those young ladies in your class. And, God bless you!
Dear Brin:
God Bless you. Yes, children do need someone just to "listen" and be made to feel special.
I went through something similar. . . my daughter started dating someone a little different than I had hoped. . . divorced parents, never taken to church, just different morals and values. One day while sharing with my Christian friends, I said something like, "Why did the Lord bring this person into our lives?" My friend answered, "Maybe it's because you're the only Jesus he'll ever see!" Wow, sucker punch!! I instantly felt convicted and started to pray for and reachout to this young man. He willing started attending our church, came to faith in Jesus Christ, wants to be baptized, recently his parents remarried EACH OTHER! Praise God. Now I'll invited the parents to a special program at church and place that in God's hands too.
See, you didn't want to teach this age, but God needed you to teach this age. I didn't want this person in our lives at first, but God needed our family in his life.
You, Dear Brin, will be blessed.
. . . Here I am Lord, use me!
beautiful post.
That is so sweet! And lovely photos of my youth! Ahhhh! to be young again! Thanks for the stroll down memory lane!
This post is beautiful, God is so pleased with your obedience! You are making a difference in those precious little lives!
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