Friday, February 15, 2008

Sweeping Realizations

It's moments like these you realize you're blessed. Blessed beyond belief. It's those quiet moments... those hushed, still seconds you're sweeping your bedroom floor and stop to examine the pile the straw has gathered...

... And once you do, you realize you've swept more plum-colored tulip petals than dirt. You've called out, from the dark corners of the room in which you sleep, scattered flower remnants - delicate as tissue and thin as air.

So you stand on the worn wooden floor that generations of women before you have swept and you examine your own pile and you realize... you realize you're blessed. Blessed beyond belief.

[Monday Update and Edit] ...and you also realize that with blessing comes opportunity. Responsibility. You have things to do. You have a life that's begging to take off. Knocks on doors that need answering. And so you sit on that wooden floor and realize that a blogging break would be... a relief? Yeah. A quiet relief. It would afford you time to realize new dreams and tackle new projects and see new places....

I'm saying goodbye for a little while. I guess that's what I'm trying to say. I'm taking some time off to poke around the house and garden and then I'm boarding a plane. I'm going to spend some time in Istanbul and London. I plan to stay up late and drink really strong coffee and go barefoot. I intend to get lost in new places and read up on new faces. I aim to take naps on trains and eat fruit from outdoor markets and say prayers from the steps of Constantinople. I long to take my friend up on an offer and sing Puccini with an international choir. I want to dance on an ancient cobblestone street and buy a foreign hat and squint as my sun sets on someone else's world.

In a word, I want to live.

Yes, I'm so blessed. My life's blessed beyond belief. And I don't want to waste a minute of it. But I'll be back in a few weeks. I'll be back with new stories and new pictures and new words. Besides, you're probably getting a bit bored with me anyhow, considering this has all come down to me showing you what I sweep off my floor. (Laugh) This will be a welcome break.

See you soon.

Warmly and always,



Anonymous said...

i want your life!!! connie

Rosa said...

It always amazes me when something so small can fill you with joy and remind you that God loves YOU. For me today, it was the warmth and the sun as I took my dog Jada for a walk.
I was also wondering if you might be shipping any of your Etsy wares to Canada in the near future? I would love one of those toolbelts! (the green one!) :)

Susan said...

I was just saying yesterday how blessed I feel. As I was eating my skirt steak, mashed potatoes, and cesar salad I felt so blessed to be eating such a wonderful meal knowing some people are going cold and hungry this time of the year.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post Brin. I love it.

Anonymous said...

Inquiring minds WANT to know!!! Who was the "fellow" cooking on Valentine's night & drinking champagne with you and the sunset?????

Maybe we need to know more?????

Grace F.

Jenny said...

What a wonderful post! Lovely floors too!


Vee said...

Awww, yes, even your dust is tulip droppings. LOL! I love it!!

Anonymous said...

Everything about you is.....PRICELESS

Happy Weekend to you Brin!

Kathi :)

Anonymous said...

Those plum colored tulip petals are the gems you share with us each day. Your sweepings. Our treasure.

Mayberry Magpie

sister sheri said...

What a wonderful reflection... thank you!

Alena said...

I love your blog! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts, photographs, and for being genuine! :)

Unknown said...

This is why I can't go a day without checking in on you! You are such a blessing to us all! I love those floors! Only you can have nice dust like tulip petals. Enjoy your weekend sweet Brin! Hugs!!

Anonymous said...

You made me remember I need to sweep!You are a complete doll!grab life and all the opportunities it holds and just run with it.I have a saying on my wall I love, "It is never too late to be what you might have been" You go girl!

Brambleberry said...

That is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous, just gorgeous. And what a great reminder, thank you.

Cyndi said...

Just wanted to stop by like everyone else and tell you that I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Betty said...

I was away for a bit and it's good to be back. Missed your posts Brin.
And now I must see what I missed..

amanda said...

Hi Brin,

What a beautiful life you live. Thank you for choosing to be a bright reminder for everyone who visits your little space in this world!

Many smiles,

Lovella ♥ said...

so beautifully said. . just a lovely stop .. thank you.

Anonymous said...

Happy trails Miss Brin..untill we meet again! Enjoy life and take a bite of fruit, in an outdoor market, in a far away place, for me!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I shall miss you - even though we haven't met :-) Enjoy Istanbul and London (if you're into that sort of thing, visit Highgate Cemetary - not the "combed" part of it where famous people are buried, but the ever so slightly neglected and run-down part of it. I know it may sound macabre, but it's become one of my favourite places in London. Tranquil, beautiful, full of history) I look forward to your return!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck. We'll miss you. Have a great trip.

Rebecca said...

Hurry back Brin, and don't stay away too long. We'll be waiting to see all those fantastic pics from faraway places.

Until we see you again...

Love, Becky

Anonymous said...

I will miss you dear friend....My prayers will be for God to bless you as much as you have blessed so many others, especially me. Have a wonderful hiatus :) will be in my heart and prayers.

Kathi :)

Kathi said...

Wow, You bring glory to God. You have a lovely attitude. You are indeed incredibly blessed! Kathi

Brambleberry said...

It sounds like a wonderful way to live. I wish you all the best!

Sissy said...

My favorite restaurant in London is Wagamama in Covent Garden. The best Japanese soup I have ever found (with noodles and grilled chicken)! YUM.

Enjoy your time off...we'll all be here when you get back.

Essential Oil Premier University said...

Brim, have a most wonderful trip.



Kim said...

Hope you have a truly wonderful and safe trip and find treasures in the quietest of moments.

Anonymous said...

You go and have a beautiful time, we'll be here when you get back waiting to hear all about it. I could never get bored with your writings, I so look forward to them. You are a wonderful example of "living life" to the full extent and enjoying the simple pleasures along the way. God bless you and I pray for a safe and happy trip for you. Blessings, Heather

Elenka said...

Will miss checking up on you!! Hope you have a great time. Be safe.

Debe said...

I just don't do you GO all these places? I am always just here....
Enjoy for those of us who can't, blessings.

Terri Steffes said...

I will miss you but I hope you will check in from time to time... some of us have really been inspired by your words and deeds. I hope you find what you are seeking...

Vee said...

How wonderful! You will enjoy every minute and then you'll share your experiences with us. It's a win-win all the way around except that you'll be terribly missed.

Wandering off trying to imagine what it would be like to sing Puccini with an international choir...

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful trip. I am excited about sharing it with you! Also, take as long as you wish before posting again. We don't want you to get in a rut -- ever.

grace f

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you go!

Brin said...

Oh how funny! :D

Everyone, read the previous comment and say hello to my ex-husband and his clan, who are so faithful to read my blog daily from the Springdale/Rogers, Arkansas area.

(I have a site monitoring system, sweetie. Remember... my attorney used it as evidence in court?):

Domain Name: (Network)
IP Address:
ISP: Cox Communications
Location Continent: North America
Country: United States
State: Arkansas
City: Springdale
Lat/Long: 36.181, -94.1587
Language: English (U.S.)
Operating System: Microsoft WinXP
Browser Internet Explorer 7.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1
Monitor Resolution: 1024 x 768

Time of Visit: Feb 21 2008 11:48:51 am
Last Page View: Feb 21 2008 11:49:04 am
Comment Received: Feb 21 2008 11:49:34 am

Awh... nice try though! You have a good day now, okay?


Rosa said...

That's just kinda sad isn't it?
Enjoy your time off :)!

Elenka said...

Yeah, we read it. Very mature.
Good for you, Brin, for your comments. I thought it was just some 12 year old thinking they were funny.
YOU, Brin, have so much class.

Anonymous said...

Be safe and enjoy yourself! Thanks for the beautiful posts, posts which I will be anxiously awaiting upon your return.

Anonymous said...

Brin, Just EX is an EX for a REASON! EX was just as MATURE!...Let him eat CRAP as I am POSITIVE he IS!
Always hold your head HIGH and HANG IN THERE!

Anonymous said...

Brin --what is it people always say about the best revenge is ending up happy? ;) good for you for living a full life and chasing dreams and not letting ANYONE AT ALL push you around or intimidate you!!! Brin you have the support and respect of soooo many people that admire your courage and zeal for life and want to follow and live life vicarously thru you!!! You have our support and the hub and i would go to bat for you any day!!

Jenny said...

You are one classy lady, Brin. Honestly! Look at all the places you've been able to go spiritually, emotionally, physically, etc., without the dork, Brin. May you continue to be blessed in your messy, thrilling life. I know we are.

Beverly said...

I found this in a January 2007 post on your blog and it so exemplifies how you have dealt with your disappointment and moved on to a rich and fulfilling life which you so generously share with us:

I can leave this, too. I can leave this behind and head for higher ground.

It's my prayer for today and tomorrow.

My heart has no desire to stay
Where doubts arise and fears dismay
Though some may dwell where these abound
My prayer, my aim, is higher ground.
Lord, lift me up and let me stand
By faith on heaven’s table land
A higher plane than I have found
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.
-Johnson Oatman, Jr, 1898

Anonymous said...

Wow! I love it when cads are outed.

Sweetie, you're a dimwit. So glad Brin's moved on.

Mayberry Magpie

Anonymous said...

Hi there! I just found your blog and it is simply LOVELY in its messy thrillingness :). Hope you have an absolutely fabulous time in Istanbul, I hear it is amazing. Can't wait to read more, you've become my new favorite morning wake up reading material before digging into my own messy thrilling life. Hehe :D.

blessings to you!

One of those Pauls people said...

Have Fun
I will miss your posts!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Have fun and live.

Take time to hear His voice. :)

Sissy said...

You are one saavy lady! I'm glad you can laugh and get on with your life. The EX sounds like someone with sour grapes. I would imagine that anyone who would let you go is kinda dumb.

Cakespy said...

This post just made me feel so good about life. I turned to my husband the other day and said "do you know how lucky we are?". Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are beautiful...award-winning. They could be in a magazine. I think you should frame one and hang it in your charming house. It is soo cool that you are doing this. I long to live in a small town in an old house like that. What state are you in?

michelle said...
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