I'm beginning to think that when you have something important to tell someone, you should tell them over something to drink. Tea. Or coffee. Or cocoa. Something hot to drink. It seems very civilized and comforting... like a scene from Sense and Sensibility. I'm fairly convinced that half the blows that have landed on me lately would have been marvelously cushioned - if not entirely absorbed - by a good cup of tea. Or coffee. If only our lives could work this way.
Anyway, I have something to tell you and ask you, so I'm inviting you to tea. Will you come? And look: on the way home from Galveston Saturday, my friend Shelley and I stopped at a roadside estate sale where I quickly snatched up this tea service. (It's not a complete set, but I suspect eBay might turn up the rest.) They all have Fruit Harvest, JAPAN imprinted on the bottom. Aren't they a fantastic addition to a fall tea? I thought so. They're my new favorites. Six dollars. I couldn't be more pleased.
Anyway, here's your cup. Are you all settled in? Good. Here it is then:
I've decided to board up Freeman House for several months and head out on an adventure. Really. As things stand at this very moment, the train leaves Sunday. I'll fly home for the holidays, I'm sure, and anticipate a frantic and fun frenzy of decorating trees and airing out beds and banging out Christmas carols on the piano. It will be hectic, but it will be fun.
I'm not, at this time, saying a whole lot about where I'm going or what I'll be doing. Just know that it's an extremely enormous blessing, this opportunity, and I have a sneaking suspicion that a book... not a cookbook but an actual book... will come from this. But that's just between us.
Will my blogging be affected? At this time, I hope not. But it could be. We'll still meet here for Monday Moments, of course, and I'm excited to see what other things await many, many miles away for me to show and share with you. It'll be thrilling, I'm sure... as my life always has been. And I'm counting on you to consider going with me. To take off on this adventure with me and live it, see it, and do it right alongside. You will, won't you?
We leave late Sunday. Can you be ready? Pack warm, snugly clothes and lots and lots of mittens. I'm not sure why, but I have a feeling we'll need them. Pack books and music and hobbies, too. There may be a few days we'll have to make our own fun.
How's your tea? Cream? Sugar?
Well, there it is. What are you thinking? Oh, I do hope you'll consider going. I'd hate to leave all you dear, dear friends behind....
I'll have my tea black, thank you Brin! I'm not sure what I am promising if I say I'll go along, but sure let's do it! (maybe...want details..lol)
I'm loving your life...one adventure after another!!
I prefer strong coffee with a hint of whipping cream on top. ;o)
As for your new life-venture, I will sit by and live vicariously through you as you offer bits, pieces, snippets and glimpses into what path God has you on.
Prayer heavenward for a safe and fruitful journey. <><
Count me in! I don't want to miss a thing! :)
I'm excited that things are looking up for you. I will pray this this turns out to be a HUGE blessing for you in the end. I look forward to seeing what lies ahead.
God bless and good luck!!
What am I thinking? Selfish thoughts of not starting my day without a daily dose of your blog! I do agree a cup of warmth sure does cool a blow and I love coffee and tea, cocoa too! I love your blog and will join you in your new journey, a new book, yippie!! I'm loving your life and I know where ever you go, it will be thrilling! I don't want to miss a thing!! Hugs!!
Well, hallejulah is all I have to say about that! And I am feeling like a prophet to boot. :) Wonderful, wonderful...enjoy the ride!
Hot cocoa for me, thank you!
As I was reading your post, I was worried that boarding up Freedom House meant closing the blog. I have really come to love your writing and I would miss you. However, I understand that one mustn't pass up opportunities like the one you are alluding to!
So, I am along for the ride, whatever pieces I may get along the way! God bless you sweet girl, and may happiness find you, hug you and wrap you up like a christmas package!
Woo Hoo! Count me in!!!! I'm always up for adventure!
Are you serving coffee too? (I prefer Tim Horton's...I'm from Canada, you see!)
I just found your blog and I'm definitely up for the adventure...I'll be back!
Thrilled to go along on your ride, sad because Freeman House will be so lonely!! Don't you want a house sitter?? So glad you sound so enthusiastic about life! A new adventure, how exciting!! Please make sure there is room for all of us!
I am also from Canada....Alberta..to be exact...and I,too, love Tim Hortons coffee and a triple chocolate doughnut if you don't mind. But if you don't have TH coffee, then I'll have peppermint tea please, just a touch of sugar, no milk.
As for your news, I was sooooooo afraid you were closing down your blog and I just found you. I admire that you have Freeman House and are content to live on your own with no strings attached. I was telling my daughter about you and your blog and she just smiled. I KNOW she would like to do something similar but is afraid.
Anyway, The ONLY way I get to travel is through others so please bring me along in your pocket. And PLEASE PLEASE don't quit your blog.
Louise from Alberta.
Just love your blog, and I can't wait to see where God is leading you next !!! Many blessings to you in all that lies ahead !
When I read your post it reminded me of something I read earlier this year... From a Beth Moore Bible Study on Daniel...
"Sometimes the complacency of 'home' is not conducive to the most life-altering revelations...
Often our most defining spiritual markers happen at conferences, retreats, on mission trips, vacations, or work stints far from home rather than in the usual places.
The daily-ness of home is crucial, however, because there God challenges us to believe and persevere in what He often shows us elsewhere..."
So, I'm looking forward to hearing all about your elsewhere...
~Whew~ that was a lot to take in...Just give me a Diet Dr. Pepper if you have it.... Well, I have to say that it would just be wrong to pass up an adventure. I will miss my morning Cup 'O Brin... But as long as I can go with you...
well, I can be packed and ready Sunday. Please keep up your blog. It would a little light in my day gone out if it weren't here. I do so enjoy reading it and all the sweet comments you get. I am with Debe... I can also house sit if need be : )
Really though, I wish all the blessings, laughter and adventure one can handle for you. It has been a true treasure and pleasure to share your life and times.
I look so forward to living it, seeing it and doing it right along side you. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to go along with you on your adventure.
I can't wait to see what is next!
Let's go...............
I'm packed and ready to go. Can't wait....
Oh, tea with lemon, please.
tea...sugar and milk please...
May God not only richly bless you through this time but continue to heal the hurts and disappointments. I will look forward to following your many adventures!! Lead on...
Of course we will go with you, and gladly. I hope you are taking this fabulous tea set with you though, it would be a shame to leave it behind:>)
I'll be there, right beside you. We can't let you have all the fun, now can we? ;)
I like my tea a bit on the weak side with nothing added. I'll be ready to go by Sunday, I'm sure. ~Adrienne~
Lady Grey Hot!
I do agree a cuppa (as my Auzzie friend says) makes for a civilized moment in our day. Your new tea set is lovely.
So we are going for an adventure huh, I'm in.
Thank you for the wonderful cup of tea Brin, and what a beautiful tea set. Are there crumpets to go along with my tea dear? ;)
My bags are packed, I'm ready to go! See you on Sunday evening then. Do we have a ride to the train station? Perhaps we should ask that nice young man with the wicked grin in the scarf you talked about on October 10th. :)
I have been a lurker for quite some time and just wanted to wish you all of the best. I stumbled on your blog during a difficult time in my life. I was in my thirties and set in my ways when I married, moved from a rural community to a city suburb, had a significant change in my work environment, and a sudden and unexpected pregnancy. All within a year. I was in the midst of a bad bout of baby blues and feeling like my life was not my own.
At first I visited Freeman House for an escape. Oh! how I wanted to leave my life behind and move to Texas! and then I started to bring Freeman House home with me. I read a post in your archive that changed my thinking, my marriage, and my life. You quoted Victoria Moran and said it was possible to choose something "just a bit delightful" over something that wasn't. That phrase stuck.
I realized I didn't have to have it all and have it now like so many media messages bombard us with. I realized that my life didn't have to be entirely delightful. Just a bit.
I started to keep a private blog. Everyday I record something just a bit delightful, just a bit Brin. If I don't have something spontaneously delightful to write about, I make it a point to create an experience before the day's end.
And suddenly all of those moments started to change my attitude and my life. That was six months ago. I am not the same person that I was and I am grateful. What seemed like a sudden overwhelming, and irreversible mistake has blossomed into a life that truly is a delight.
So all of this long (overly long) comment is to say thank-you. You have a gift with the way you see your world and the way you have created a welcoming home that so many of us from so far away (I'm another Canadian) visit for comfort and inspiration.
I wish you well in your new venture and I am thrilled for you that you may have a new avenue for your writing. Good Luck and God Speed.
Brin, do you need a pair of handknit mittens? I have plenty, let me know.
I'll take organic hot cocoa please...or Earl Grey tea, if your out of cocoa.
So, where we going?!!! I can hardly wait. Thank you for inviting us to come along. I look forward to sharing this thrilling adventure with you.
By the way, the new tea set is a beautiful addition to Freeman House in Autumn.
Hi Brin,
I'm new to your blog, but I just love it. Love your writing, recipes, home improvement pictures, everything. Can't wait to read about your next adventure. Count me in.
Hi Brin,
I have been reading your blog for a little while now and love it all. Your journey sounds like a journey of discovery and I wish you well on it. I am definitely up for the ride.
I am on my own journey of discovery as I quit my job after 15 years working in the city. I don't know what is next and it is scary but exciting. I am trusting the One who knows me best of all.
Come to my blog for tea and toast sometime!
How very exciting. I can't wait to hear about all of your new adventures!
Good luck on whatever the future holds, Brin!
I'm very late and now you are already off to adventure! Praying God's best around the next corner and looking forward to the next chapter. If your book stack can stand one more, may I recommend Sacred Romance?
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