Thursday, April 13, 2006

Introducing... Knit Together!

It's a little weird, I know, but I LOVE to knit. Love it. My aunt taught me last year, and since then my social life has seriously suffered. I can't seem to put the stinkin' needles down!

But no worries. I think I've come up with an excuse to knit even more - without regret! I'd like to introduce you to something I'm calling Knit Together. As in Psalm 139 ... "You knit me together in my mother's womb". Check it out soon at Knit Together is a little Christian grassroots project that will provide children and families with hand-made knitted, crocheted, and quilted clothing and personal items - blankets, sweaters, toys, etc. - along with the message that they were created by a God who loves them so much he "knitted" together their inmost beings! Plus, it will give us needle holders an excuse to buy fun new yarn or material!

We need everything - people who knit, crochet, or quilt. We need yarn, thread, and needles. We could use patterns and advice. It's my hope that eventually we can organize a few groups -friends and church members, etc. - to teach knitting or invite folks over to work on projects together.

Again, this is still in the planning stages, so any help you could provide would be appreciated. I'll keep you posted!

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