Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dreaming About Heaven...

When all this is done - the striving, the longing, the hoping, the waiting- I'd like a corner in heaven that looks like this.

Or maybe that. I'll wake each morning to the sound of fluttering angel wings, my Grandfather's laugh, and snatches of melodies from the Throne.

I'll make my bed and walk across the moss, past loved ones and new friends, until I find Jesus... my Savior and my One. Will you take a walk with me? I'll ask, blushing.

And He'll wink. And wrapping His nail-scarred hand around mine, together we'll set off....

(Funny how we don't spend much time thinking about eternity, isn't it, considering it's infinite while our lives here are but a vapor? Photo credit/dream photography by the talented Ditte Isager.)


  1. Right there with you... Oh such a lovely thought!

  2. Very lovely thought. Beautiful photos.


  3. Wonderful, thrilling! I would like an "escape bed" like that right now! Why wait for the afterlife. I believe I will be reborn anyway, so I will try to make one for this life;-D
    By the way, love your blogg!

  4. Wonderful! I believe I will be reborn, so I will try to make a dream-bed like that in this life. I would like the company of Jesus, though....
    By the way; love you blogg!!

  5. What amazing bedding ad shots !
    heavenly for sure

  6. Ijust read Capt. Dale Black's book Flight to Heaven, which had been recommended to me by a friend whose recommendation I trust.

    In it, he shares the experience of visiting Heaven right after a plane crash when he was nineteen. I'm often skeptical of such events but his experience is wonderful (and makes me look forward to living there someday).

    He is sixty now and just decided a few years ago to share his experiences.

    My daughter and I have often chatted about Heavenly homes and gardens and tea parties. :)

  7. Lovely post Brin. We do need to spend more time thinking about eternity and the one who died for us.
    Blessings to you~

  8. *sigh* You've just spooned in some peace to my day! I love you!

  9. wonderful thoughts...perfect to read right before bed (normal, four feet on the floor bed, unfortunately!) those pictures are beautiful!! so dreamy :) xx

  10. I want to be there too! The bed is so divine! *sigh*

  11. I love those photos, but would be totally happy if there were piles of books all around, too!

  12. Yes, we should always be looking heavenward, but the cares of this world often weigh us down. Thanks for reminding me to look up and beyond the cares of this world!

  13. Looking so forward to snorting my milk. Can't wait ...

  14. Sweet thoughts and, believe it or not, I spend a great deal of time thinking about eternity with a 100- year-old in the house. ;>

  15. goodness ... where is that darn Balm & Honey shop ?? We can't wait to see what new things you've been up to. A shop update perhaps?? xo S & les Gang

  16. This is beautiful. Lovely. I want that space too!
